Support our campaigns - download resources to spread the word about savings, loan fee fraud, and how to avoid investment and pension scams.
Loan fee fraud resources
Pension scams resources
ScamSmart Pensions 2022 Partner Toolkit[4]
Pensions Scams Leaflet - screen version[5]
Pensions Scams Leaflet - Screen version in BW[6]
Pensions Scams Leaflet - print version[7]
Pensions Scams Leaflet - Print Version in BW[8]
Press release November 2019[10]
Investment scams resources
Social Media Packs
ScamSmart Investments partner toolkit (February 2023)[21] (Zip)
ScamSmart Investments - Clone Firms PR social media pack (January 2021) - for partners[22] (ZIP)
FCA warns of increased risk of online investment fraud[23]
Speak out against investment scammers[24]
Over 55s at heightened risk of fraud[25]
Take the time to check investments are legitimate[26]
Tactics fraudsters use to deceive investors[27]
Press releases
Over £27 million reported lost to crypto and forex investment scams[28]
FCA warns public of investment scams as over £197 million reported losses in 2018[29]
Over 55s at heightened risk of fraud, says FCA[31]
FCA urges public to report and speak out against fraudulent investment schemes[34]
Spot the investment scam with Alvin Hall[35]
Top 6 investment scam tactics to look out for[36]
Case Study: Watch Derek's story[38]
Case Study: Watch Richard's story[39]
Press release video: Investment fraud risk[40]
Beware the investment cold call[41]
Cymraeg: Byddwch yn fuddsoddwr ScamSmart nhaflen[45]
Investment scams advice poster[46]
Cymraeg: Poster sgamiau buddsoddi[47]
ScamSmart partners presentation[48]
Victim Support Information
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