Use our savings calculator to check how much you could earn if you switch to a savings account with a higher interest rate.

A woman looks at her phone while travelling on a bus.

A woman looks at her phone while travelling on a bus.
People rely on savings products to help meet a range of financial goals. But the interest you earn on your savings can vary greatly between providers and accounts, so it’s important you shop around and consider switching if you find a better rate.
Our savings calculator will show you what your interest rate could mean for your savings.
To use the calculator:
- enter the amount you have to save
- enter the interest rate on the account
Check how much your savings could earn
Monthly interest you could earn:
Annual interest you could earn:
The savings calculator is for reference purposes only. Tax could affect any monetary gains you make.
Find out more about:
- how to boost your interest rate
- the different types of savings accounts
- what to consider when switching