We are asking for comments on this Consultation Paper[1] should reach us by 4 February 2021 for Chapters 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8, and 4 January 2021 for Chapter 6.
The FCA and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) invites comments on Chapter 2 of this Consultation Paper, which should reach us by 4 January 2021.
Please use this online form or alternatively email us or write to:
Chapter 2: Jasdeep Sangha, Governance and Professionalism, Telephone: 020 7066 8521
Chapter 3: Tom Bramhill, Pensions and Funds Policy, Telephone: 020 7066 0327
Chapter 4: Tom Bramhill, Pensions and Funds Policy, Telephone: 020 7066 0327
Chapter 5: Hugh-David Hutcheson, Prudential Policy, Telephone: 020 7066 6938
Chapter 6: Kelly Dulieu, Authorisations, Telephone: 020 7066 1188
Chapter 7: Johan Ahipeaud, Consumer Distribution Policy, Telephone: 020 7066 2466
Chapter 8: Paul Willis, Markets Policy, Telephone: 020 7066 4862
We make all responses to formal consultation public unless you request otherwise. Let us know below if you don't want your participation and/or response to be made public.
We will not regard a standard confidentiality statement in an email message as a request for non-disclosure.