We are asking for comments on this Consultation Paper[1] by 10 July 2023 for Chapters 2, 3 and 4.
Alternatively, please send comments in writing to:
Chapter 2: Hillary Neale, Prudential Policy
Telephone: 020 7066 4856
Chapter 3: John Wu and Oliver Cierpka, Trading Policy
Telephone: 020 7666 8720 and 020 7066 0665
Chapter 4: Dhan Paramasivam, Consumer Investments Distribution Policy
Telephone: 020 7066 6319
If you are responding in writing to several chapters please send your comments to Lisa Ocero in the Handbook Team, who will pass your responses on as appropriate.
All responses should be sent to:
Financial Conduct Authority, 12 Endeavour Square, London E20 1JN
Email: [email protected]
We make all responses to formal consultation public unless you request otherwise. Let us know below if you don't want your participation and/or response to be made public.
We will not regard a standard confidentiality statement in an email message as a request for non-disclosure.