Research themes for the competition

On 17 October, we published a summary of the literature[2] on growth, competitiveness and regulation in financial services.

The literature review highlighted several important gaps in its evidence and knowledge, which are important to fill. These gaps are summarised into the following 3 research themes:

Awards and next steps

We expect the research projects to be completed over approximately 3 months (ending no later than 31 March 2025).

Participants may also have the opportunity to present their work to senior FCA leaders and other key stakeholders.

The competition is administered and overseen by the chief economist of the FCA. Successful participants are expected to provide regular updates to the chief economist or her delegates (online or in person) and may be asked on occasion to present to a wider set of stakeholders.

We’ll provide comments on drafts of the final report, but the responsibility for its contents will remain with the participants.

Selection criteria

The selection of successful research projects was made by a commission of expert practitioners and researchers in financial services and economics. The commission considered a proposal’s:

The selection was made by a commission of industry experts and practitioners:

Contact us

Please send any questions to [email protected]

: Information added Adding competition winners.
: Link changed update to application link.
First published: Last updated: 21/02/2025 See all updates

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