Find out how to apply to test in the Regulatory Sandbox and what happens after you submit your application.
If you want to apply to test in the Sandbox, please fill in our online application form.
Apply to the Regulatory Sandbox[1]
You will be asked a series of questions about your proposal, how it meets our eligibility criteria[2] and the details of your testing plan. You will need to meet all our eligibility criteria to be accepted for support.
You can read our draft application form[3] to help you prepare. This includes a copy of key questions you’ll be asked as part of your application, as well as some guidance to help you answer the questions.
What happens after you submit your application
- Application assessment: After submitting a full application, a member of the Sandbox team will assess your application. After 2 to 3 weeks, you should hear from the team about whether your application is eligible.
- Panel discussion: If your application is eligible, it will be assessed by a panel of senior decision makers at the FCA.
- Decision: You will be told whether your application has been accepted or rejected following the panel meeting. If your firm is accepted to test in the Sandbox, we’ll help you secure the tool you need for testing.
Application process
Apply online
Application assessment
(2-3 weeks)
Panel review
(8-12 weeks)
Issue sandbox tool
(if restricted authorisation 6-12 months)
(maximum 6 months)
Exit the sandbox
Testing in the Regulatory Sandbox
If your application to test in the Sandbox is accepted, you’ll be assigned a dedicated case officer who will be your main point of contact during the test.
You will have around 4 weeks to work with your case officer to prepare test activities based on your testing plan and seek the regulatory tool you need to begin testing.
If you need restricted authorisation, you'll need to make a separate application to Authorisations. The length of the application process will depend on the quality of your application, but your case officer will give you more information about this.
The testing period will run for a maximum of 6 months.
At the end of the testing period, you will need to complete a final testing report, detailing the aim of the test and its results. If your test has been successful, you can apply to remove the restrictions on your permissions to become a fully authorised firm.
Sign up for application support
We hold regular support sessions designed to help you complete our application form. We can’t use these sessions to discuss your innovation or test, or to answer regulatory questions.
To sign up for support with your application, email Regulatory Sandbox application support.
Your privacy
We’ll keep your proposal confidential. We may share information within the FCA to make sure that the relevant experts can answer your questions, but we’ll never share information externally without your consent, unless compelled to by law.