When making a whistleblowing report, it's important that you get in contact with the right team, so they can review and act on the information you provide.
To help you decide where to make your report, please answer the following questions. Or, find out more about the whistleblowing process[1].
Are you an employee or ex-employee of a financial services firm?
This includes contractors or temporary workers.
You can speak to the Whistleblowing team about regulatory wrongdoing in the workplace. The team may direct you to other organisations that could be interested in your information, or that offer support and advice.
- call: +44 (0)20 7066 9200 between between 10am to 3pm, Monday to Friday, or leave a message
- email: [email protected]
You can also use our online form[2] to make a report.
We understand that your circumstances could be complicated. We also understand that sometimes remaining anonymous is necessary. Please contact the Whistleblowing team about your concerns.
- call: +44 (0)20 7066 9200 during office hours or leave a message
- email: [email protected]
You can also use our online form[2] to make a report.
Are you representing your firm or organisation when making a report?
If you're reporting on behalf of your firm, speak in confidence to our firm contact centre.
- call: 0300 500 0597 from the UK, or +44 207 066 1000 from abroad
- email: [email protected]
Find out more about how to report wrongdoing or misconduct in financial services[3].
Are you a consumer or shareholder with concerns?
If you are a consumer or shareholder, speak in confidence to our consumer contact centre.
- call: 0300 500 0597 from the UK, or +44 207 066 1000 from abroad
- use our contact form[4]
Are you a family member, friend or neighbour?
Due to your relationship with the person concerned, we understand that the information you have will need to be handled carefully. Please contact the Whistleblowing team.
- call: +44 (0)20 7066 9200 between 10am to 3pm, Monday to Friday, or leave a message
- email: [email protected]
You can also use our online form[3] to make a report.
If you don't fit into any of the previous groups, or are unsure, please contact the Whistleblowing team to discuss your concerns.
- call: +44 (0)20 7066 9200 between 10am to 3pm, Monday to Friday, or leave a message
- email: [email protected]
You can also use our online form[6] to make a report.