Reference Case Number: FOI8786
Freedom of Information: Right to know request:
The questions below pertain to FCA data on DB pension transfer activity. On the FCA website[1] it states that from April 2021 firms will be required to submit 6 monthly data on their DB transfer activities. The latest data published there is for the period October 2018-March 2020. Please can you tell me:
- For any 6-month periods after March 2020, for the total volume of clients provided with advice and guidance what was:
- The conversion Triage %
- The conversion Rate %
- The number of clients seeking advice
- The number advised to transfer
- The number advised not to transfer
- The percentage of firms which advised 75% or more of clients to transfer
If the above information could be provided in the same data table format as it is listed in Figure 1 on the FCA website[1], then that would be much appreciated.
- How many firms have received a sanction or penalty from the FCA in following time periods for improper DB transfer advice and if fines were issued, what was the total value of the fines issued?
- During 2018
- During 2019
- During 2020
- During 2021
- Of those clients that were charged contingently for DB transfer advice, what percentage of these were due to the exception where a consumer is more likely to benefit from advice and may be unable to afford non-contingent advice charges?