We have removed several trading names relating to Promethean Finance Limited (Promethean) from the Financial Services Register. We explain what this means for you and what you should do next.
Between March 2022 and March 2023, Promethean registered several trading names which were listed on the Financial Services Register[1] but which they either did not own or control. The third-party firms who owned or controlled these trading names were not authorised to carry out regulated activities. Promethean currently has permissions for debt counselling, debt adjusting and credit broking.
We do not consider these websites to be genuine trading names of Promethean. If you have referred to these websites and used the third-party firms for debt solutions, you are highly unlikely to have access to the Financial Ombudsman Service if you want to complain.
On 18 April 2023, we removed the following active trading names of Promethean from the Financial Services Register:
- www.themoneytoolbox.co.uk[2]
- www.moneyworries.co.uk[3]
- www.revolutionmoney.co.uk[4]
- www.debtadviceservice.co.uk[5]
- www.debtrelieftoday.online[6]
- www.pennyplan.co.uk[7]
- www.bankruptcytoday.co.uk[8]
- www.howtogobankrupt.co.uk[9]
- www.iva-expert.co.uk[10]
- www.iva.mydebt-plan.co.uk[11]
- www.debthelperteam.co.uk[12]
- www.getoutofdebt.co.uk[13]
- www.helpwithdebt.co.uk[14]
- www.swiftdebthelp.co.uk[15]
- www.ukdebtrelief.org[16]
- www.bankruptcy-scotland.co.uk[17]
- www.financialworries.co.uk[18]
- www.debt-help.org[19]
- www.advicebureau.co.uk[20]
- www.bailiffhelpline.co.uk[21]
- www.debt-relief.co.uk[22]
- www.mydebt-plan.co.uk[23]
- http://www.debtsolutions-online.co.uk[24]
- www.advicedebt.org.uk[25]
- www.moneyworries.net[26]
- www.stopbailiff.co.uk[27]
- www.ukdebtplan.co.uk[28]
- www.moneyadvice.co.uk[29]
- www.advicecentregroup.co.uk[30]
- www.onlinedebtoptions.co.uk[31]
Promethean has referred the matter to the Upper Tribunal, which will consider representations from Promethean and us. The Tribunal will either dismiss Promethean’s reference or ask us to reconsider our decision.
Promethean Finance Limited has also published a statement[32].
What you should do next
If you have used, or are intending to use, one of these websites to obtain debt solutions or other services, you should contact the third-party firms directly first to check if they are authorised by us.
You can also check our Financial Services Register[1] to make sure a firm has the relevant permission for the service it is offering you. We also have a Warning List[33] of firms to avoid.
If you need more help, please contact us by phone on:
- 0800 111 6768 (freephone)
- 0300 500 8082 (from the UK)
- +44 207 066 1000 (from abroad)
Or visit our contact us[34] page for more information.