The FCA and the Bank are working together to ensure the regulatory reporting processes for dual-regulated firms is efficient. We want to make sure that firms are only asked to submit data sets once and, to help achieve this, we will share data where it is appropriate to do so. Where necessary, we will share data on firms which are not dual-regulated to ensure that we each have a complete view of the market.

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A memorandum of understanding (MoU) between FCA and PRA[1] sets out how we will work together to avoid duplication of regulatory data requests where this is consistent with our objectives.
The MoU obliges us to consult each other on changes to data/forms that are collected regularly, including the use of shared data definitions; and, the management of data systems to allow for the efficient sharing of data between the regulators.
All electronic prudential reports continue to be submitted via Gabriel[2]. Firms that are dual-regulated will deal with the FCA on Gabriel system-related issues, and the PRA on the content of their reporting.
Firm details, such as the registered name of a firm, trading name, registered office, and principal place of business, is collected by the FCA for all firms.
All other regulatory information or data required by the FCA and PRA handbooks should be sent to the address listed on the where to submit your returns page. Where appropriate, the data submitted will be shared with the FCA/PRA.
FCA reporting pages provide information on data collected by the FCA.
PRA reporting pages[3] provide further information on data collected by the PRA
Bank of England statistical reporting obligations have not changed. The relevant material is available on the Bank of England website[4].