The Financial Services Consumer Panel represents the interests of financial services consumers including SMEs and micro-businesses (but not individual consumers). Our aim is to ensure the voice of the consumer is heard, and duly considered, by the FCA and by policymakers and industry.
We provide input and challenge the FCA from the earliest stages of its policy development to ensure they take into account the consumer interest.
The Panel also takes a keen interest in broader issues for consumers in financial services where it believes it can help achieve beneficial change/outcomes for consumers. Since the Panel was established in 1998, we believe the Panel has helped deliver significant, positive benefits for consumers.
We support the FCA where we believe policies can help consumers and challenge the FCA forcefully when we feel consumers would be disadvantaged. Members of the Panel are recruited through a process of open competition and encompass a broad range of relevant expertise and experience. Current members have experience of consumer advice, campaigning, communications, market research, journalism, the law, financial services industry, financial inclusion, European issues, financial regulation and compliance and later life issues.
Annual Report
The Financial Services Consumer Panel has published its Annual Report 2022-2023[1].