Our perimeter report helps explain what we do and don’t regulate. It describes specific issues we see around the perimeter and action we’re taking in response.
Read our Annual Report on the regulatory perimeter 2020/21 (PDF)[1]
Background to the perimeter report
Our perimeter is decided by Parliament and the Government through legislation. It determines what we regulate.
What is and isn’t regulated can be confusing, and consumers can find it difficult to know what level of protection they have if things go wrong. New types of products and services can also create new types of potential harm.
To support discussions about the perimeter, and to help clarify some of its complexities, we have published an annual perimeter report since 2019.
This report explains what the perimeter is and how it applies. It discusses where we see the potential for harm linked with our perimeter and what we’re doing in response. It also highlights where we see gaps in the legislation and think our perimeter needs to change.
March 2022 Update
We formally discussed this report with the Economic Secretary to the Treasury (EST) late last year. The minutes[2] of that discussion have now been published, to help improve transparency about the actions being taken on the perimeter.