Our Annual Report sets out how we have progressed over the financial year and delivered against our objectives and priorities.
This report brings together our key achievements and challenges from the last year. It highlights how we have played a central role in improving the conduct of the UK’s financial industry and worked to ensure that financial markets work well.
The report provides an overview of:
- our taking over responsibility for regulating consumer credit and the increase in the number of firms we regulate to 73,000
- our launch of Project Innovate to help bring new and innovative financial products and services to the market
- our review into competition within the wholesale sector
- how we have taken significant steps to implement the new Senior Mangers Regime
- the publication of our cash savings market study
- the publication of our retirement income market study and implementation of new pension changes
- our enforcement action, including on LIBOR and Forex
- our response to the Davis review
Read our Annual Report[1] (PDF)
Click on image to view larger size.
This year we have also brought our enforcement performance account, whistleblowing and anti-money laundering reports into our Annual Report to more easily show how this work is linked to the advancement of our objectives.
List of final notices 2014/15[3]
We discussed our Annual Report in detail at our Annual Public Meeting[4] on 22 July 2015.