Financial Services Consumer Panel

General Insurance

The Panel is concerned that loaded premiums, used to generate commissions, do not offer fair value to consumers. They are also concerned about consumer confusion as to whether they have received regulated advice when buying insurance products online. 

Our response

Loaded premiums

Loading premiums solely to generate commissions that are not otherwise fair and reasonably justifiable is contrary to our rules. We are looking into the practice more broadly. We want to see how insurers may be currently seeking to justify their approach, especially in relation to our ongoing market study into protection insurance.

Regulated advice

General insurance firms must provide customers with information about their status. This includes whether they are giving a personal recommendation and, if so, the basis for it. Firms are also under a general obligation to make sure their communications are clear, fair, and not misleading. Although our rules don’t prescribe a particular format, for online firms for instance, this information must be provided in good time before the contract is concluded. Providing a personal recommendation and advice are subject to FCA regulatory requirements.

Primary consumer protection objective

The Panel expressed concern that our primary consumer objective must not be diluted or weakened in the pursuit of our secondary international competitiveness and growth objective (SICGO).

Our response

Our SICGO objective only applies when advancing our primary objectives, it cannot be advanced on its own.

Our primary and secondary objectives are not mutually exclusive. We need stable markets to grow sustainably. And consumers need to be able to trust that financial services will deliver good value or effective competition to raise quality, drive down prices and prompt innovation.

Practitioner Panel

Access to Cash

The Panel encouraged us to establish the right incentives to drive changes that lead to good consumer outcomes.

Our response

Our new access to cash rules, which we introduced after Parliament tasked us with ensuring reasonable access to cash, came into force on 18 September 2024. They require firms designated by the Treasury to assess and fill gaps, or potential gaps, in cash access that significantly impact consumers and businesses.

Our rules are intended to be proportionate, and flexible enough to adapt to demand. We carried out a cost benefit analysis and consider the costs are proportionate. We consider they are outweighed by the benefits to those consumers and businesses who rely on cash and will continue to have reasonable access to it as a result of our rules. Our rules don't prescribe the type of facility designated firms must provide to deliver required cash access services, and we encourage firms to consider how innovative solutions could meet consumer and business needs in a cost-effective way.

The new regime only applies to entities designated by Treasury. But we expect all firms to consider how they can deliver good consumer outcomes when withdrawing services, in line with the Consumer Duty and where relevant, our guidance[27] on branch and ATM closures and conversions.

Strategic prioritisation

The Panel urged us to focus on realistic reform, considering constraints and be prepared to deprioritise work as necessary.

Our response 

From April 2025, we will be focusing on 4 priorities, down from 13 in our current Strategy.

During our annual business planning process, proposed plans undergo a robust prioritisation and deprioritisation exercise to make sure that we are effectively focusing our efforts. As we move to our new strategic themes, we are carefully mapping and reviewing existing projects and programmes to make sure that any trade-offs and decisions for deprioritisation have been fully assessed.

Prioritising our work and fully understanding the impacts allows us to make resilient and effective plans, while enabling firms to do the same.

We will continue to engage with all the Panels’ in the coming months on our strategy and business planning and look forward to their feedback.

Critical third parties (CTPs)

The Panel encouraged us to align critical third parties rules with other jurisdictions.

Our response  

Our policy paper[28] explained that we believe the regime will advance the SICGO objective, by contributing to a more stable financial system, which is in turn more likely to promote growth and competitiveness in the UK economy. 

We share the Panel’s view that we need to avoid inhibiting competition and innovation and align with other jurisdictions to find shared solutions. In our cost benefit analysis accompanying our Consultation Paper, we evaluated the potential risk that the regime could exacerbate concentration in the third party market. We explained how elements of the regime may offset, counteract, or prevent this from happening. As the regime is aligned to similar ones operated or in development by peer regulators, the effect may be further diminished. We clarified in our Policy Statement that designating a CTP does not mean it is more resilient or more suitable for a firm. We also included rules preventing a CTP from using designation or oversight as a mark of regulatory endorsement.

We recognise the global footprint of some potential CTPs and industry feedback on this. So we have sought to align our regime with international standards and to be as interoperable as reasonably practicable with similar existing and future regimes. For example, the EU’s Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) and the US’s Bank Service Company Act. We are working with international partners bilaterally and via international standard setters to achieve this.

Listing Authority Advisory Panel

New regulations and consultations

The Panel shared concern that the volume of new regulations and consultations could impact the attractiveness, effectiveness, and international competitiveness of UK capital markets.

Our response

There have been a significant number of reform initiatives. Many of these are subject to the statutory obligation to consult by regulatory agencies and government. 

We are committed to being transparent and efficient in that consultation process. This includes publishing the regulatory initiatives grid (RIG),[30] speeches and other communications and providing a coherent vision for FCA wholesale market reforms.

We also recognise the need to act at pace. During the recent UK Listing Rule reforms we took an innovative approach. This included a consultation without rules, use of senior speeches and our convening power to set direction and gauge reaction to proposals, issuing draft rules in two tranches following a further consultation, and engaging existing issuers on implementation before finalising rules.

Markets Practitioner Panel

Proposed approach to enforcement

The Panel highlighted industry concerns about our proposed approach to enforcement.

Our response  

In February 2024, we announced proposals[32] to provide a measured increase in transparency about our investigations. This formed part of our new enforcement approach. Our intention to conduct fewer investigations faster, increasing the deterrent impact of our work, was widely welcomed. 

We are listening carefully to feedback on, and concerns about, our proposal for a greater measure of transparency on our investigations. We will continue to engage with wide range of stakeholders, including firms, trade associations, consumer groups and the Panels, before making any final decisions. 

To support further engagement, we published[33] greater detail on how increased transparency could work in practice. This included clarity on any new public interest test, practical issues, and data on the potential impact. It reflected the feedback we got during our extensive stakeholder engagement. We aim to reach a decision on these proposals by the end of Q1 2025. 

Macroeconomic and geopolitical environment

The Panel emphasised the need for close and continuous monitoring of markets, as sectors remain vulnerable to economic uncertainties.

Our response

We remain vigilant to macroeconomic and geopolitical risks. This includes their potential impact both on regulated firms and on the broader functioning of wholesale markets. We seek to monitor emerging risks and address crystallised risks at pace should they arise. Where appropriate, we heighten our analysis and monitoring of particular asset classes or products that are exposed to key economic trends, variables and uncertainties. Many risks in wholesale markets have cross-border dimensions. So, we use international collaborative arrangements and fora in our horizon-scanning. Our CEO, Nikhil Rathi, is currently the co-chair of the Financial Stability Engagement Group of IOSCO, where emerging risks and potential assessment of these are discussed.

Smaller Business Practitioner Panel

Proportionality of data requests

The Panel has emphasised the importance of a robust cost benefit analysis for data requests of firms.

Our response 

We are mindful of the impact of data requests on firms. And we continue to strengthen our controls in response to findings from the 2023/24  FCA and Practitioner Panel Survey[35] and feedback from firms.

The joint FCA and Bank of England Transforming Data Collection programme is designed to improve our data collections. It involves more industry engagement in the design and testing of new collections to make sure the value we receive from the data is proportionate to the burden placed on firms. The Panel saw from the My FCA demonstration that we are simplifying the regulatory reporting submission process. Our aim is to make submitting data easier and faster for all firms, with particular benefit to smaller firms who use our systems infrequently. The My FCA demonstration included single sign-on capability (with multi-factor authentication), leading to a landing page with a personalised list of regulatory activities required (across our RegData and CONNECT systems), details of upcoming tasks and overdue items, messages and announcements, and links to firm records on the Register, Regulation Round Up and the Handbook.

When we introduce a new rule, we undertake a cost benefit analysis (CBA) to assess the costs and benefits a policy is expected to generate. It describes and quantifies, as far as possible and proportionate, the likely impacts of a policy. It compares benefits against costs and shows who we expect will benefit and who will bear the costs.

The CBA Panel is a new independent panel of experts to advise us on the CBA. The Rule Review Framework sets out how we monitor and measure the effectiveness of new rules and how we conduct a review if required.

The Consumer Finance Product Sales Data reporting[36] will impose some additional requirements on firms. We consulted widely on our proposals and concluded that these additional requirements are proportionate to the benefits. The data will enable us to quickly identify and deal with harm in the consumer credit market. It will also allow us to significantly reduce the number of ad hoc information requests we make, which can be costly and inconvenient for firms by virtue of their unpredictability. We will continue to make ad hoc requests across the markets we regulate. But we recognise from firms’ feedback that we can do more to explain why we are requesting data/information, how we will use it and to better manage expectations on when firms can expect feedback. 

Sustainability of advice sector

The Panel is concerned about the sustainability of smaller firms and the advice sector. It highlighted the need for proportionate regulatory requirements and greater attention to economic and regulatory pressures that compromise firms’ sustainability.

Our response  

Smaller advice firms play a vital role in providing access to advice and ensuring good consumer outcomes. 

In September, we updated the Panel on our strategy and the actions we are taking to promote sustainability across the sector, as detailed in our Portfolio Strategy letter[37]. These actions include:

  • Increased industry engagement and commitment to strategic collaboration as outlined in our speech ‘It’s good to be different[38]’. This aims to gain greater insights into the challenges facing firms and shape our future regulatory proposals.
  • An increasingly forward-looking and data-led approach. This includes gaining greater insights into the sector’s current position, its sustainability, and how it is likely to change.
  • Taking a more outcomes focused approach following the introduction of the Consumer Duty and simplifying our rules where we can, as set out in our Call for Input[13].
  • Work to make sure the ‘polluter pays’. We expect this will help lower FSCS levy costs over the longer term sustainably.

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