FOS confirms that, while exact numbers cannot be separately reported, very few complaints relate to PGs taken to support regulated business lending.

Although the uphold rate varies year on year, FOS does not consider there to be any particular themes driving these changes, given there are such a small number of cases.

There were some similar themes in the issues being complained about between complaints made to the FOS regarding guarantees and those made to firms:

We will continue to monitor and work with FOS as part of our regular engagement. 

Sharing our findings with other bodies

We have shared our findings with the Treasury, given the government’s interest in business lending policy. 

Other organisation responses

Industry commitments from UK Finance members

We welcome the industry commitments[6] on personal guarantees published by UK Finance in October 2024.  

UK Finance engaged with its members on lenders’ use of PGs and where existing practice can be strengthened and clarified.  

UK Finance believes that the commitments reflect and reaffirm existing good practice in the commercial finance industry. It recognises the importance of ensuring individuals are:

  • fully aware of the significance and potential implications of agreeing to a PG
  • treated fairly when a guarantee is called upon

Lending Standards Board

In September 2024, the LSB updated its Standards of Lending Practice for business customers and Information for Practitioners[7]

These changes to guidance are effective from 8 September 2025.  

These revised standards set an expectation that firms should contact personal guarantors on a regular basis to:

  •  confirm the information held about the guarantor
  •  provide a reminder that the guarantee remains current 

The LSB expects firms to contact guarantors on an annual basis as a minimum, although this does not preclude firms from undertaking more frequent contact.  

The changes made to the Information for Practitioners on the use of PGs set out good practice on the transparency of information given to guarantors. They make sure firms have clear and consistent internal policies on the use of PGs.  

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