We are publishing the final list of the most representative services linked to a payment account and subject to a fee within the meaning of Regulation 3 of the Payment Accounts Regulations. Firms will be required to use the terminology in this list from 31 October 2018.
Show Payment Accounts Regulations: Final Linked Services List (PDF)[1]
A core objective of the EU Payment Accounts Directive (PAD) is to improve the transparency and comparability of fee information in relation to payment accounts for consumers. A key element of this is the introduction of standardised terms and definitions to describe some of the services linked to payment accounts and subject to a fee. In this document, we publish the final linked services list as required by Regulation 3 of the Payment Accounts Regulations.
This follows the publication of the UK provisional linked services list in FS15/4[2] and the European Commission’s adoption of the Regulatory Technical Standards[3] for the EU standardised terminology. In this document, we explain how we have integrated the EU standardised terminology into the UK provisional list to arrive at the final linked services list.
Who this applies to
This will be of interest to:
- banks
- building societies
- other providers of payment accounts falling within the scope of PAD, for example e-money issuers
- trade bodies representing credit institutions and other payment service providers
- consumers who have a current account or other type of payment account
- consumer organisations
Next steps
Providers of payment accounts are required to begin using the terminology in the final linked services list from 31 October 2018.