Read our key messages for firms on unfair contract terms and examples of good and poor practice.
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There are 5 key messages to focus on:
- Firms should take into account consumers' legitimate interests in relation to contracts.
- Fairness is not contrary to the prudent management of the business, but part of it.
- Focusing on narrow technical arguments to justify a contract term that, in fact, may be unfair, risks future challenge.
- Schedule 2 to the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 (UTCCRs) and the Consumer Rights Act 2015 (CRA) each contain an indicative and non-exhaustive list of types of terms in consumer contracts that may be regarded as unfair. The fact that a term does not resemble any of the indicatively unfair terms listed in Schedule 2 may not, in itself, remove the risk of unfairness. Firms need to assess whether a term is fair under the UTCCRs/CRA as a whole and in the context of the particular product or service.
- Firms should take into account developments in legislation and relevant case law concerning the fairness and transparency of terms in consumer contracts.
Our unfair contract terms library[1] page gives details of our publications on unfair contract terms.
In addition, we encourage firms to read the CMA’s published guidance[2] on the unfair terms provisions of the CRA.
Examples of good practice:
- Frequent reviews of all consumer contracts for fairness.
- Reviewing standard consumer contracts to ensure they comply with the CRA.
- Assessing contracts as part of regular reviews of all product documentation.
- Assessing contracts as part of regular product reviews throughout the product lifecycle to ensure the firm can demonstrate it is treating customers fairly.
- Reviewing contracts after having received complaints, cancellations or evidence that terms may be unfair.
- Monitoring updates and emails from the FCA.
- Reviewing undertakings obtained by the FCA about terms in consumer contracts.
- Reviewing other FCA publications on unfair terms, eg thematic work and speeches.
- Monitoring updates about the fair treatment of customers[3].
- Monitoring the CMA website[4] for updates on the fairness of terms in consumer contracts.
- Reviewing undertakings obtained by the CMA against terms in own consumer contracts.
- Using management information on complaints received about unfair terms to identify potentially unfair or unclear contract terms and making appropriate changes.
- Monitoring alerts and industry guidance from trade bodies.
- Checking for new legislation and guidance and reviewing it as soon as it comes out.
- Improving staff training to ensure staff meet the standards set out in product literature, including contracts.
- Checking the work conducted by contracted external compliance consultants.
Examples of poor practice:
- Internally-focused reviews of consumer contracts of 'what looks fair', without consideration of external legal or regulatory information.
- Being passive and relying on external publications through monthly emails.
- Reviewing external publications and updates only during the annual review of consumer contracts.
- Not assessing contracts for fairness, frequently resulting in contracts containing out-of-date material.
- Relying on external compliance firms without checking or questioning their work.