The UKLA Knowledge Base has been updated with the guidance set out in Primary Market Bulletin No. 7.
Consultation title
Primary Market Bulletin (PMB) No. 5
Date of consultation
February 2013
Summary of feedback received
The Knowledge Base[1] is the UKLA’s repository of non-handbook technical commentary that has the status of formal FCA guidance. It consists of a series of short technical and procedural notes (Notes) published in PDF form and ordered by topic. The Notes relate to aspects of the Prospectus Rules (PR), Listing Rules (LR) and Disclosure and Transparency Rules (DTR).
In Primary Market Bulletin No.5[2] (February 2013), we presented 11 Notes for consultation. We received written feedback from 10 respondents.
In Primary Market Bulletin No.6[3] (July 2013), we summarised the feedback received on these Notes and the course of action taken in respect of each Note. We advised that we were still considering the comments received in respect certain technical notes.
Having now considered the comments received on those notes and assessed its appropriateness as formal FCA Guidance, we are publishing 1 new note and 2 amended notes in the Knowledge Base as follows:
- UKLA/TN/631.1 - Zero coupon notes
- UKLA/TN/605.2 - Supplementary prospectus
- UKLA/TN/629.2 - Final terms
Response to feedback received
PMB No.7[4] sets out our feedback to the comments received and it explains the changes we have made in response to the comments received.
Changes made to the guidance as a result of feedback received
The key amendments to the notes can be found here: text amended[5].
You can access the full text of the guidance consulted on here: