Learn how to apply to us to become a full-scope UK Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) or a small authorised UK AIFM, including what permissions you'll need and how much you'll need to pay.
AIFMs need to be authorised by us or registered with us. Read this page if you're applying to be authorised, or our separate page if you're applying to be a registered AIFM[1].
If you're not sure whether you need to be authorised or registered, answer the questions below.
Permissions you'll need
Typically, these are the permissions required to be an authorised UK AIFM:
- managing an unauthorised AIF
- managing an authorised AIF
For full details, refer to our table of permissions you might need and the terms being used[8].
Application fee
Your fee falls into pricing category 6, which will be £10,000.
Find out more about your application fee[12].
How to apply
You must use our online system Connect[27] to apply:
- as a new entity – whether a full-scope AIFM or a small authorised UK AIFM
- for a variation of permission
You can apply for a variation of permission if you're:
- a sub-threshold AIFM wishing to opt-in to the full scope of UK AIFMD
- currently authorised as an AIFM and want to add MiFID permissions or MiFID top-up permissions
- currently authorised as an investment manager, and you want to obtain the ‘managing an AIF’ permission
What to include
Before submitting your application, make sure you've prepared:
- your regulatory business plan, 3-year financial forecast and the other things we expect to see in all applications[28]
- the relevant required forms and supporting material listed below