Find out which organisations we collect levies for.
Each year your firm pays regulatory fees and other charges (levies).
Your fees and levies fund the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) but also contribute to other organisations:
- Payment Systems Regulator[1] (PSR)
- Prudential Regulation Authority[2] (PRA)
- Financial Services Compensation Scheme[3] (FSCS)
- Financial Ombudsman Service[4]
- Money and Pensions Service[5] (Financial Guidance levies)
- Financial Reporting Council[6] (FRC)
- Illegal Money Lending Team (IML)
- Economic Crime Levy (ECL)
Which organisations you pay towards will depend on the type of business you run.
We calculate and collect fees and levies, sending you a single invoice for all your regulatory costs.
Additional fees and levies may be charged during the financial year, eg an interim levy for the FSCS to cover the cost of increased compensation claims.
Payment Systems Regulator (PSR)
The Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) is an independent subsidiary of the FCA and is the economic regulator for the payment systems industry in the UK.
The regulator’s goal is to promote competition and innovation and to ensure payments systems are operated and developed in the interests of the people and businesses that use them.
The PSR is funded by the participants of the payment systems it regulates.
Financial Services Compensation Scheme
All authorised firms pay the FSCS levy.
The FSCS deals with claims against authorised firms that have failed (for example because of insolvency). It has the power to pay compensation to consumers.
The firms it covers include:
- deposit-takers
- insurance companies
- investment firms
- investment mediation firms
- home-finance mediation firms
- general insurance distribution firms
- debt management firms
Find out more about the:
- FSCS levy calculation 2024/25[8]
- FSCS levy calculation 2023/24[9]
- FSCS levy calculation 2022/23[10]
- FSCS levy calculation 2021/22[11]
- FSCS levy calculation 2021/22[11]
- FSCS levy calculation 2020/21[12]
In certain circumstances you may not have to pay all of this levy.
Read our guidance on FSCS exemptions[13].
How to apply for an exemption[14].
Other FSCS levies
The FSCS can charge interim or other levies (for example, deposit-takers’ default levy) during the financial year if it needs to.
So for example if there is a rise in claims against firms carrying on a particular regulated activity, or a particular financial event, the FSCS will charge an interim levy to those firms.
The levy covers the cost of:
- the extra work needed to deal with these claims
- compensating the consumers affected
See the menu on the right hand side for more information about the supplementary levies in prior years.
Read more about how the FSCS is funded[15].
Financial Ombudsman Service
The Ombudsman Service offers a way to resolve disputes out of court.
They deal with complaints against authorised firms about their regulated activities and certain other financial services activities.
The service is free to complainants. The Financial Ombudsman Service's decisions are based on what is 'fair and reasonable' and are binding on firms if a complainant accepts them.
In certain circumstances you may not have to pay the levy.
Read our guidance on Financial Ombudsman Service exemptions[16].
How to apply for an exemption[17].
Financial Guidance levies (FGL)
All firms pay a Financial Guidance levy.
The levy is used to fund the Money and Pensions Service (MAPS) and pay for the debt advice costs for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
The MAPS is a body, sponsored by the Department for Work and Pensions, with a joint commitment to ensure that people throughout the UK have guidance and access to information they need to make effective financial decisions over their lifetime.
The levy covers the costs of Pension Guidance, Money Guidance and Debt Advice.
Financial Reporting Council (FRC)
The FRC is the UK’s independent regulator for corporate reporting and governance.
It is funded by the accountancy profession and the business community.
We collect the business community’s levy for FRC.
You will pay a levy if you:
- are a life or general insurance company
- issue securities or global deposits
If you have to pay the FRC levy, it will show separately in your invoice.
Read more about the FRC's funding[18].
Illegal Money Lending Team (IML)
The illegal money lending teams investigate and prosecute illegal money lenders.
The FCA collects a levy from consumer credit firms on behalf of HM Treasury to meet the costs of funding the illegal money lending teams.
Firms that have a limited consumer credit permission (fee-block CC1) pay a flat levy.
Firms that have a full consumer credit permission (fee-block CC2) pay a flat levy and a variable amount if their consumer credit income is over £250,000.
Economic Crime Levy (ECL)
The FCA collects the Economic Crime Levy on behalf of HM Treasury. The ECL helps fund government initiatives to help tackle money laundering.
All firms registered with the FCA for anti-money laundering purposes will be subject to the levy, but only firms with a total UK revenue of £10.2m or more will be asked to contribute.
Read more about ECL fees and banding[19].