Read our guidance on how to fill in your online tariff data forms and give us information about your firm that will help us calculate annual fees for the next financial year.
In January each year, we ask you to provide us information about your firm, including:
- annual income from regulated activities
- other data as a measure of the size of business (for example number of mortgages)
- explanation of significant increase or decrease from last year
This information is called tariff data, and we use it to work out annual fees for the following financial year, April to March.
Submit your tariff data
Firms registered for online invoicing will need to submit fees data online. Registered users will be emailed when your firm’s form is available.
If your firm is not registered, please register for online invoicing now.
You must send us your data by 28 February. If possible, we would like it by the end of January.
If you’re a UK insurer, you no longer need to submit tariff data to us for periodic fees, as this data will be collected by the PRA from their own regulatory returns. We will continue to collect data from Temporary Permissions Regime (TRP) branch firms.
We will contact you in April to ask for your FSCS levy data and any other tariff data you need to report to us. You can choose to report relevant data for the Financial Ombudsman Service. We will use our data if you choose not to report relevant data.
Recognised investment exchanges (RIEs) and Benchmark administrators (BAs)
Periodic fees for RIEs and BAs are based on your annual income from these activities. We will contact you in January to ask for your data.
If you’re an RIE operating a multilateral trading facility or operating an organised trading facility, you will also need to report your income from these activities separately for calculating your FSCS levies.
New firms
If your firm is applying for authorisation, you will need to report your data based on the most recent fee-block classifications and the tariff base (measure of business) appropriate to the fee-block. Similarly, if you wish to change (vary) your firm’s permissions during this period, you will need to report your data based on the latest tariff base appropriate to the new fee-block.
Use the tariff base (measure of business) on the guidance for your fee block when filling in your form and make sure you give us all the data we ask for in your application. You need to include a projected valuation for your firm’s first year, starting from the date you are authorised. This projection is important as we will use it to calculate your fees. You will not be able to reduce it if your business does not meet this projection.
If your firm became authorised between 1 January and 31 March, your second-year fee will be calculated using your projected data or annualised figure based on your actual data. Annualised data must be provided by 30 April of the year you became authorised. If we do not receive your annualised data by this date we will use your projected data.
Read the fee rules in our Handbook.
We use historical data to calculate fees. New firms will not have historical data so we use a firm’s projection instead.
Fees and levies for EEA firms in the TPR (including Supervised Run-Off (SRO) or Contractual Run-Off (CRO) firms)
FCA fees and levies for 2025/26
If you are a firm in the TPR or an SRO firm, you will pay periodic fees and levies based on the fee-blocks and tariff data provided in relation to your permissions as at 1 April 2025.
We will collect tariff data in January from firms in the TPR. EEA firms report the amount of business undertaken in or from the UK.
EEA fee discounts will no longer apply.
CRO firms will not pay FCA periodic fees or levies, aside from CRO insurers who will be required to pay FSCS levies (see below).
The CRO firms will pay a Special Project Fee (SPF) for the work we undertake under the Financial Services Contracts Regime (FSCR), if the costs exceed £5,000.
There are no changes to the way fees and levies are currently calculated for Gibraltar firms. Fee discounts will continue to apply to Gibraltar firms and inbound Gibraltar service firms will not pay any periodic fees.
FSCS levies
Firms are required to contribute to the funding of the UK FSCS and report tariff data if their activities are protected under the scheme.
Following the end of the transition period on 31 December 2020, the scope of FSCS protection changed, bringing some firms within scope and excluding others. Refer to PRA PS5/19 and FCA PS19/5 for more information.
Customers of SRO firms or firms in the TPR with UK branches will have FSCS protection, equivalent to the cover provided to customers of UK firms.
Customers of firms in the TPR without a UK branch will not have access to the FSCS, other than certain incoming fund managers and insurance business.
There is no FSCS cover for CRO firms, other than insurers.
Guidance for deposit takers in the TPR or SRO (FSCS class A)
If your firm is in the TPR or SRO and holds deposits in its UK establishment, you will be an FSCS member and are required to pay FSCS levies.
If your firm is a deposit-taker in the CRO, you do not have an establishment in the UK. Since you hold your deposits outside of a UK establishment, you are not an FSCS member and deposits will not be protected by the FSCS.
For more information on calculating the tariff base, refer to deposits class A.
Guidance for insurers in the TPR, SRO and CRO (FSCS class B1)
You will need to pay a levy to the FSCS if you offer (or have previously sold) insurance contracts that are protected contracts of insurance under the scheme.
Following the end of the transition period on 31 December 2020, the scope of FSCS protected for insurance changed. The Policyholder Protection part of the PRA Rulebook describes the scheme and which contracts are protected.
FSCS protection for insurance policies will depend on a number of additional factors, including whether your firm remains authorised in the UK, the location through which the policy was issued, the location of the risk you’ve insured, and whether the policy was issued before or after Brexit.
Policies issued before 11pm on 31 December 2020
- Existing policies that have FSCS protection will continue to be protected following Brexit, provided that the insurer continues to be authorised under FSMA (a ‘relevant person’). The table below provides a guide for firms but does not capture all scenarios, for example, if firms have changed status over time.
Type of authorised firm (before Brexit) | Type of authorised firm (after Brexit) | Issued by a relevant person through an establishment in: | Location of risks that are FSCS protected |
EEA firms passporting into the UK via freedom of establishment | TPR or SRO firms | UK | UK, EEA, Gibraltar, Channel Islands, Isle of Man |
EEA firms passporting into the UK via freedom of services | TPR or CRO firms | EEA | UK |
EEA firms passporting via Freedom of establishment or freedom of services | TPR, SRO or CRO firms | Gibraltar | UK |
Policies issued after 11pm on 31 December 2020
- For new policies issued after the end of the transition period, policies in respect of risks situated in the UK, Gibraltar, Channel Islands and Isle of Man may be protected, depending upon the type of policy and the location of the establishment through which a policy is issued.
- Policies in respect of EEA risks will not be protected.
Type of authorisation | Issued by a relevant person through an establishment in: | Location of risks that are FSCS protected |
TPR (or SRO*) firms | UK | UK, EEA, Gibraltar, Channel Islands, Isle of Man |
TPR firms that have not yet set up a UK establishment, or SRO or CRO* firms | EEA | UK |
TPR (or SRO or CRO*) firms | Gibraltar | UK |
*Note: SRO and CRO firms are not able to issue new policies after the end of the transition period except where necessary to service pre-existing contracts.
Location of risk: Refer to Policyholder Protection chapter 9. Examples of where risks are located:
- a building or contents policy, where the building is
- a vehicle policy, where the vehicle is registered
- a travel or holiday policy lasting four months or less, where the policyholder took out the contract
- other types of contract where the individual policyholders habitually lived when the contract began; and
- other type of contract where the policyholder is not an individual, where the establishment to which the risk relates to was situated when the contract began
To calculate the tariff base:
You do not have to include tariff data for reinsurance contracts, or for contracts covering the following classes of business, as these are not FSCS protected:
- aircraft
- ships
- goods in transit
- aircraft liability
- liability of ships
- credit
From this section of the page, you can access our guidance notes for the tariff data form.
They explain:
- the fee-blocks
- the tariff base and
- administrative points to consider
Fee-block | Financial Ombudsman Service industry block | Description |
A1 Guidance (PDF) | I001 | Deposit acceptors |
A2 Guidance (PDF) | I001 | Home finance providers and administrators |
A3 Guidance (PDF) | I002 | General insurers |
A4 Guidance (PDF) | I004 | Life insurers |
A7 Guidance (PDF) Calculation Sheet (PDF) | I005 | Portfolio managers |
A9 Guidance (PDF) Calculation Sheet (PDF) | I006 | Managers and depositaries of investment funds, and operators of collective investment schemes or pension schemes |
A10 Guidance (PDF) | I007 | Firms dealing as principal in investments |
A13 Guidance (PDF) | I008 | Advisory arrangers, dealers or brokers (holding or controlling client money and/or assets) |
I009 | Advisory arrangers, dealers or brokers (NOT holding or controlling client money and/or assets) | |
A14 Guidance (PDF) | I010 | Corporate finance advisors |
A18 Guidance (PDF) | I016 | Home finance advisors and arrangers |
A19 Guidance (PDF) | I017 | General insurance intermediaries |
A23 Guidance (PDF) | I025 | Funeral plan providers and intermediaries |
AB01 Guidance (PDF) | n/a | Service Companies |
BU01 Guidance (PDF) | n/a | Recognised investment exchanges |
AB05/B005 Guidance (PDF) | n/a | Benchmark administrators |
AG03/G003 Guidance (PDF) | IA11 | Large payment institutions - regulated under payment services regulation |
AG10/G010 Guidance (PDF) | IA18 | Authorised electronic money issuers – regulated under electronic money regulations |
AG30/G030 Guidance (PDF) | n/a | Cryptoasset |
CC01/CC02 | I019/I020 | Consumer Credit |
CMC01 | I024 | Claims management companies |
D002 | n/a | Professional Body Supervisors |
J001 | n/a | Credit rating agencies |
Financial Guidance Levy | |
Fee-block | Description |
CC03 Guidance (PDF) | Debt advice levies - consumer credit lenders |
A002D Guidance (PDF) | Debt advice levies - home finance providers and administrators |
Financial Services Compensation Scheme | |
Class/Category | Description |
SA01 Guidance (PDF) | Deposit |
SB01 Guidance (PDF) | General insurance provision |
SC01 Guidance (PDF) | Life and pensions provision |
CLGID-1 Guidance (PDF) | Category 1.1, General insurance distribution |
CLII-1 Guidance (PDF) | Category 2.1, Life distribution and investment intermediation |
CLII-4 Guidance (PDF) | Category 2.4, Structured deposits provision |
CLIP Guidance (PDF) | Class3, Investment provision claims |
CLHFI-1 Guidance (PDF) | Category 4.1, Home finance intermediation |
CLDM-1 Guidance (PDF) CLDM-2 Guidance (PDF) | Category 5.1, Debt management
Category 5.2, Consumer credit provision |
Exemptions from levies
In some circumstances, firms are exempt from some of the charges (levies) for the FSCS and the Financial Ombudsman Service.
If you think your firm should be exempt from the levies, you should fill in an:
Send it to us with your tariff data return form, or separately by email to [email protected].
Forms must be received by 31 March for a firm to be exempt for the following fee year.
What happens next
Once we receive your fee tariff data we will use it to work out your fees for the next financial year.
We don’t send acknowledgements when we receive your data. You can download a PDF copy of the data you submitted online. We will contact you if we have not received your data by the due date. If we do not receive your data by the due date, we will charge you a fee of £250 and will send you an estimated invoice until we receive your data.
Read about tariff data reporting requirements
If you send inaccurate or incorrect data we may charge you an incorrect fee.
We will not automatically revise the fees we charge because you made a mistake. Whether we decide to or not is at our discretion.
Contact us
If you have any queries about how we collect tariff data or about filling in the tariff data return form, phone the Supervision Hub on 0300 500 0597.