My FCA is a new portal for registered and authorised firms which is launching in spring 2025.
You'll be able to sign in once to see your RegData and Connect scheduled tasks in one place.
We recommend adding to your allow list of trusted website addresses.
Connect, RegData and Online Invoicing System users who have registered for multi-factor authentication will be able to sign in to My FCA using their existing details.
You'll still be able to access RegData, Connect and Online Invoicing System via your bookmarks or the website links. It won’t be mandatory to sign in via My FCA at the time of launch.
We'll let firms know via Regulation Round-up and on the FCA website when My FCA is available to use. After launch, we encourage you to start using My FCA to complete your scheduled tasks.
We'll add more functionality and features over time and gather feedback from firms on their experience after launch.
How My FCA works
You'll see your RegData and Connect scheduled tasks in one place with a due date and status for the systems you have access to.
You'll be able to navigate from within My FCA to our systems without needing to sign in again.
There will be no changes to your firm’s reporting and attestation deadlines as a result of My FCA. You'll still receive reminder emails from RegData, Connect and Online Invoicing System.
User management will stay in each system. Any access requests for RegData and Connect should be sent to the Principal User. For Online Invoicing System, you need your firm’s unique validation code.
What you can do in My FCA
- View regulatory returns you need to submit in RegData.
- See the attestations you need to complete in Connect.
- Access RegData, Connect, and Online Invoicing System.
- Read system notices and regulatory updates including Regulation Round-up in one place.
- Look up rules and guidance in our Handbook.
- Check a firm on the Financial Services Register.
- Work out your annual fees using our Fees Calculator.