Find out how to update and amend your society's details, submit annual returns, or register other changes with us.
Review legal requirements
Review the legal requirements under mutuals legislation[1].
Find resources
We provide resources for your society[2].
Register on the Mutuals Society Portal
Most societies register on the Mutuals Society Portal[3]. You can use this to submit your annual returns and accounts, changes to your registered office address or name, record a charge or submit a rule amendment.
If you’re registered on the Portal, you’ll also receive email reminders about submitting your annual returns and accounts.
Co-operative and community benefit society directors
Find out about the role of directors[4].
Submitting your annual return and accounts
All societies have to submit returns to us each year. We provide more information on our accounts and annual returns[5] page. Set a reminder to ensure you submit your next submission on time. Co-operative and community benefit societies can find out more about auditing accounts[6].
Your society name
You must display your registered name, and register any change with us. Find out more[7].
Register other changes with us
View the forms[8] page to register other changes, like a change to your name or address, with us.
Change a society's status
Find out the steps you need to take to convert your society into a company[9].
Having or becoming a subsidiary
Find out what you should be aware of before setting up, or becoming, a subsidiary[10].
Cancel or dissolve a society
How to cancel or dissolve a society or branch[11], including distributing assets.
Prosecutions and cancellations
Find details of mutual societies prosecuted or cancelled[12] for failing to submit annual returns and accounts to us.