How to submit your annual returns and accounts to us in our role as registering authority for mutual societies.
All registered mutual societies must produce and submit accounts each year. You must send us your accounts even if you send them to another body like a national umbrella body, HM Revenue and Customs or make other regulatory returns.
You’re responsible for making sure that the documents are:
- submitted on time (we don’t send reminder letters)
- prepared by a suitably qualified person (eg if your accounts need to be audited, a qualified auditor is appointed)
This information is for registered societies including co-operative societies and community benefit societies (previously known as industrial and provident societies).
You must submit your annual return (AR30) form and accounts to us each year, within 7 months of the end of your financial year. For example, if your financial year ends on 31 March your return is due to us by 31 October. This deadline is set in legislation and we can’t extend it.
Before submitting, check:
- you have fully completed the AR30 form
- the accounts are signed by 2 directors (committee members) and the secretary of the society. We need to see 3 signatures in total. If the secretary is also a director, sign twice in those separate capacities.
Use the Mutuals Society Portal as the easiest and quickest way to submit your annual return and accounts.
If you can’t submit online, please submit by post to: Mutuals Team, Financial Conduct Authority, 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN.
Please note it will take longer for your return to be published if submitted by post.
Accepting submissions
We publish accepted annual returns and accounts on the Mutuals Public Register.
If we can’t accept your submission, we will contact you.
Financial year-end
You can check your financial year-end on the Mutuals Public Register. To record a different year-end, send us a ‘Change of Year End’ form.
Auditing accounts
You may need an auditor for your accounts. Find out more about auditing accounts.
Check if someone is a statutory auditor on the Register of Statutory Auditors.
If you don’t submit
We can either:
- cancel your society registration (the society no longer exists as a legal entity and members lose their limited liability)
- prosecute the society (if convicted, you may have to pay a fine of up to £1,000 per offence and costs)
See a list of societies that have been prosecuted or cancelled for not submitting their annual returns and accounts.
This information sets out the requirements to submit accounts to us in our capacity as registering authority under the Friendly Societies Act 1992. These submissions appear on the Mutuals Public Register.
You must send accounts to us by either 30 June each year, or 14 days before your annual general meeting, whichever is earlier. This deadline is set in legislation and we can’t extend it.
These accounts must be signed by the secretary of the society.
Send your accounts to:
Use the Mutuals Society Portal as the easiest and quickest way to submit your accounts.
If you can’t submit online, please submit by post to: Mutuals Team, Financial Conduct Authority, 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN.
Please note it will take longer for your accounts to be published if submitted by post.
You do not need to include any type of form.
Accepting submissions
We publish accepted annual returns and accounts on the Mutuals Public Register.
If we can’t accept your submission, we will contact you.
Societies authorised under FSMA
You are subject to separate or additional reporting requirements. The Prudential Regulation Authority detail their requirements on their website. Our FSMA reporting requirements page also has more information.
If you don’t submit
We can prosecute relevant committee members (if convicted, you may have to pay a fine of an unlimited amount and costs).
See a list of societies that have been prosecuted or cancelled for not submitting their annual returns and accounts.
If you are registered under this Act, you are registered as one of the following types of society. Use the Mutuals Public Register to see which you are, checking either the suffix after your registration number (details below) or the ‘Registered as’ status.
- benevolent society (registration number suffix: BEN, BENS, BENI)
- friendly society (F, FS, FI, COL, COLS, INFI, GOIS, GUD, GUOO)
- specially authorised society (SA, SAS)
- working men’s club (W, WS, WI)
Submitting your return
The requirements change for different society types.
- Benevolent societies: download, complete and submit an AR5 form along with your signed accounts.
- Friendly societies: send your signed accounts only (no form required).
- Specially authorised societies: download, complete and submit an AR5 form along with your signed accounts (unless you’re an investment association, in which case submit form AR5A).
- Working men’s clubs: download, complete and submit an AR41 form along with your signed accounts.
Use the Mutuals Society Portal as the easiest and quickest way to submit your accounts.
If you can’t submit online, please submit by post to: Mutuals Team, Financial Conduct Authority, 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN.
Please note it will take longer for your return to be published if submitted by post.
Signing accounts
The accounts must be signed by 2 committee members and the secretary of the society. We need to see 3 signatures in total. If the secretary is also a committee member, sign twice in those separate capacities.
Accepting submissions
We publish accepted annual returns and accounts on the Mutuals Public Register.
If we can’t accept your submission, we will contact you.
Financial year-end
This is set as 31 December each year. This is fixed under the Friendly Societies Act 1974 and cannot be changed.
Requesting an extension
You must send your annual return and accounts by 31 July each year.
This deadline is set in legislation and we can't extend it.
If you don’t submit
We can either:
- cancel your society registration (the society no longer exists as a legal entity and members lose their limited liability)
- prosecute the society (if convicted, you may have to pay a fine of up to £1,000 per offence and costs)
See a list of societies that have been prosecuted or cancelled for not submitting their annual returns and accounts.
Societies authorised under FSMA
This information sets out the requirements to submit accounts to us in our capacity as registering authority under the Friendly Societies Act 1992. These submissions appear on the Mutuals Public Register.
You will be subject to separate or additional reporting requirements under FSMA. The Prudential Regulation Authority detail their requirements on their website. Our FSMA reporting requirements page also has more information.
We set out the requirements to submit accounts to us in our capacity as registering authority under the Credit Unions Act 1979, and The Credit Unions (Northern Ireland) Order 1985. These submissions appear on the Mutuals Public Register.
There are additional reporting requirements under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA), set out below.
Sending your accounts
Send your signed accounts to us within the legislative deadline:
- For credit unions in Great Britain, within 7 months
- For credit unions in Northern Ireland, within 6 months of the end of your financial year.
You do not need to include any type of form.
Use the Mutuals Society Portal as the easiest and quickest way to submit your accounts.
If you can’t submit online, please submit by post to: Mutuals Team, Financial Conduct Authority, 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN.
Please note it will take longer for your return to be published if submitted by post.
We cannot extend the deadline.
Signing accounts
The accounts must be signed by 2 directors (committee members) and the secretary of the society. We need 3 signatures in total. If the secretary is also a director, sign twice in those separate capacities.
Accepting submissions
We publish accepted annual returns and accounts on the Mutuals Public Register.
If we can’t accept your submission, we will contact you.
Reporting requirements under FSMA
You are subject to separate or additional reporting requirements. The Prudential Regulation Authority detail their requirements on their website. Our FSMA reporting requirements page also has more information.
We set out the requirements to submit accounts to us in our capacity as registering authority under the Building Societies Act 1986. These submissions appear on the Mutuals Public Register.
There are additional reporting requirements under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA), set out further below.
Sending your accounts
Send your signed accounts to us no later than 14 days before your Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM must be held in the first 4 months of your financial year.
You do not need to include any type of form.
Use the Mutuals Society Portal as the easiest and quickest way to submit your accounts.
If you can’t submit online, please submit by post to: Mutuals Team, Financial Conduct Authority, 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN.
Please note it will take longer for your return to be published if submitted by post.
Signing your accounts
The balance sheet is signed by one director on behalf of the board.
Reporting requirements under FSMA
You are subject to separate or additional reporting requirements. The Prudential Regulation Authority provide details of their requirements on their website. Our FSMA reporting requirements page also has more information.
This information is for registered societies including co-operative societies and community benefit societies (previously known as industrial and provident societies).
You must submit your annual return (AR30) form and accounts to us each year, within 7 months of the end of your financial year. For example, if your financial year ends on 31 March your return is due to us by 31 October. This deadline is set in legislation and we can’t extend it.
Before submitting, check:
- you have fully completed the AR30 form
- the accounts are signed by 2 directors (committee members) and the secretary of the society. We need to see 3 signatures in total. If the secretary is also a director, sign twice in those separate capacities.
Use the Mutuals Society Portal as the easiest and quickest way to submit your annual return and accounts.
If you can’t submit online, please submit by post to: Mutuals Team, Financial Conduct Authority, 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN.
Please note it will take longer for your return to be published if submitted by post.
Accepting submissions
We publish accepted annual returns and accounts on the Mutuals Public Register.
If we can’t accept your submission, we will contact you.
Financial year-end
You can check your financial year-end on the Mutuals Public Register. To record a different year-end, send us a ‘Change of Year End’ form.
Auditing accounts
You may need an auditor for your accounts. Find out more about auditing accounts.
Check if someone is a statutory auditor on the Register of Statutory Auditors.
If you don’t submit
We can either:
- cancel your society registration (the society no longer exists as a legal entity and members lose their limited liability)
- prosecute the society (if convicted, you may have to pay a fine of up to £1,000 per offence and costs)
See a list of societies that have been prosecuted or cancelled for not submitting their annual returns and accounts.
This information sets out the requirements to submit accounts to us in our capacity as registering authority under the Friendly Societies Act 1992. These submissions appear on the Mutuals Public Register.
You must send accounts to us by either 30 June each year, or 14 days before your annual general meeting, whichever is earlier. This deadline is set in legislation and we can’t extend it.
These accounts must be signed by the secretary of the society.
Send your accounts to:
Use the Mutuals Society Portal as the easiest and quickest way to submit your accounts.
If you can’t submit online, please submit by post to: Mutuals Team, Financial Conduct Authority, 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN.
Please note it will take longer for your accounts to be published if submitted by post.
You do not need to include any type of form.
Accepting submissions
We publish accepted annual returns and accounts on the Mutuals Public Register.
If we can’t accept your submission, we will contact you.
Societies authorised under FSMA
You are subject to separate or additional reporting requirements. The Prudential Regulation Authority detail their requirements on their website. Our FSMA reporting requirements page also has more information.
If you don’t submit
We can prosecute relevant committee members (if convicted, you may have to pay a fine of an unlimited amount and costs).
See a list of societies that have been prosecuted or cancelled for not submitting their annual returns and accounts.
If you are registered under this Act, you are registered as one of the following types of society. Use the Mutuals Public Register to see which you are, checking either the suffix after your registration number (details below) or the ‘Registered as’ status.
- benevolent society (registration number suffix: BEN, BENS, BENI)
- friendly society (F, FS, FI, COL, COLS, INFI, GOIS, GUD, GUOO)
- specially authorised society (SA, SAS)
- working men’s club (W, WS, WI)
Submitting your return
The requirements change for different society types.
- Benevolent societies: download, complete and submit an AR5 form along with your signed accounts.
- Friendly societies: send your signed accounts only (no form required).
- Specially authorised societies: download, complete and submit an AR5 form along with your signed accounts (unless you’re an investment association, in which case submit form AR5A).
- Working men’s clubs: download, complete and submit an AR41 form along with your signed accounts.
Use the Mutuals Society Portal as the easiest and quickest way to submit your accounts.
If you can’t submit online, please submit by post to: Mutuals Team, Financial Conduct Authority, 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN.
Please note it will take longer for your return to be published if submitted by post.
Signing accounts
The accounts must be signed by 2 committee members and the secretary of the society. We need to see 3 signatures in total. If the secretary is also a committee member, sign twice in those separate capacities.
Accepting submissions
We publish accepted annual returns and accounts on the Mutuals Public Register.
If we can’t accept your submission, we will contact you.
Financial year-end
This is set as 31 December each year. This is fixed under the Friendly Societies Act 1974 and cannot be changed.
Requesting an extension
You must send your annual return and accounts by 31 July each year.
This deadline is set in legislation and we can't extend it.
If you don’t submit
We can either:
- cancel your society registration (the society no longer exists as a legal entity and members lose their limited liability)
- prosecute the society (if convicted, you may have to pay a fine of up to £1,000 per offence and costs)
See a list of societies that have been prosecuted or cancelled for not submitting their annual returns and accounts.
Societies authorised under FSMA
This information sets out the requirements to submit accounts to us in our capacity as registering authority under the Friendly Societies Act 1992. These submissions appear on the Mutuals Public Register.
You will be subject to separate or additional reporting requirements under FSMA. The Prudential Regulation Authority detail their requirements on their website. Our FSMA reporting requirements page also has more information.
We set out the requirements to submit accounts to us in our capacity as registering authority under the Credit Unions Act 1979, and The Credit Unions (Northern Ireland) Order 1985. These submissions appear on the Mutuals Public Register.
There are additional reporting requirements under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA), set out below.
Sending your accounts
Send your signed accounts to us within the legislative deadline:
- For credit unions in Great Britain, within 7 months
- For credit unions in Northern Ireland, within 6 months of the end of your financial year.
You do not need to include any type of form.
Use the Mutuals Society Portal as the easiest and quickest way to submit your accounts.
If you can’t submit online, please submit by post to: Mutuals Team, Financial Conduct Authority, 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN.
Please note it will take longer for your return to be published if submitted by post.
We cannot extend the deadline.
Signing accounts
The accounts must be signed by 2 directors (committee members) and the secretary of the society. We need 3 signatures in total. If the secretary is also a director, sign twice in those separate capacities.
Accepting submissions
We publish accepted annual returns and accounts on the Mutuals Public Register.
If we can’t accept your submission, we will contact you.
Reporting requirements under FSMA
You are subject to separate or additional reporting requirements. The Prudential Regulation Authority detail their requirements on their website. Our FSMA reporting requirements page also has more information.
We set out the requirements to submit accounts to us in our capacity as registering authority under the Building Societies Act 1986. These submissions appear on the Mutuals Public Register.
There are additional reporting requirements under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA), set out further below.
Sending your accounts
Send your signed accounts to us no later than 14 days before your Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM must be held in the first 4 months of your financial year.
You do not need to include any type of form.
Use the Mutuals Society Portal as the easiest and quickest way to submit your accounts.
If you can’t submit online, please submit by post to: Mutuals Team, Financial Conduct Authority, 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN.
Please note it will take longer for your return to be published if submitted by post.
Signing your accounts
The balance sheet is signed by one director on behalf of the board.
Reporting requirements under FSMA
You are subject to separate or additional reporting requirements. The Prudential Regulation Authority provide details of their requirements on their website. Our FSMA reporting requirements page also has more information.