Find the forms you need to apply to register as a mutual society and send us updates.
On this page
The Mutuals Society Portal[1] is quickest and easiest way to access and send forms to us. You will need to register to use[1] it.
You can also download paper version of our forms using the links below. They are organised by type of society.
Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies
These forms are for societies registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 and Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act (Northern Ireland) 1969.
We have provided guidance[2] under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014.
I want to: |
Online forms (Great Britain only) |
Paper forms |
Set up a new community benefit society |
Set up a new co-operative society |
Submit annual return (AR30) |
Change registered office address |
Record a charge |
Release or satisfaction of a charge | N/A | Release or satisfaction of a charge paper form[-6] |
Change of name |
Make a complete amendment to rules |
Make a partial amendment to rules |
Change financial year end date |
Apply for a group accounts exemption | Group accounts exemption online form[23] | Group accounts exemption paper form[-41] |
Transfer engagements |
N/A |
Convert to a company |
N/A |
Ending registration (we provide an information note on ending registration of a co-operative or a community benefit society[-38]) | N/A | N/A |
Cancel registration |
N/A |
Dissolve society |
N/A |
Submit a certificate following dissolution, liquidation or transfer of engagements |
s126 certificate online form - Great Britain[25]
For sponsoring bodies: submit new model rules or amend existing ones |
N/A |
Credit unions
These forms are for credit unions registered under either the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 (Credit Unions Act 1979) or The Credit Unions (Northern Ireland) Order 1985.
I want to: |
Online forms (Great Britain only) |
Paper forms |
Submit accounts |
No paper form – submit accounts to [email protected] |
Change registered office address |
N/A |
Record a charge |
N/A |
Release or satisfaction of a charge | N/A | Release or satisfaction of a charge paper form[16] |
Change of name |
N/A |
Make a complete amendment to rules (we provide specimen wording for common bonds[-54] and the optional object[-53]) |
N/A |
Make a complete amendment to rules paper form - Great Britain[-52] Make a complete amendment to rules paper form - Northern Ireland[-51] |
Make a partial amendment to rules (we provide specimen wording for common bonds[42] and the optional object[43]) |
N/A |
Make a partial amendment to rules paper form - Great Britain[-50] Make a partial amendment to rules paper form - Northern Ireland[-49] |
Transfer engagements |
N/A |
Cancel registration for Part 4A permissions |
N/A |
Dissolve society |
N/A |
Submit a certificate following dissolution, liquidation or transfer of engagements |
s126 certificate online form - Great Britain[36]
For sponsoring bodies: submit new model rules or amend existing ones |
N/A |
Change financial year end date | N/A | Change financial year end date paper form[24] |
Friendly Societies Act 1974
Friendly Societies Act 1992
I want to: | Online forms | Paper forms | Form notes | |
Notify of a change of chief exec etc. |
N/A |
Notice of Change of Chief Executive/Secretary, Director and/or Committee Member[-108] |
Change registered office address |
Change registered office address online form[70] |
Change name |
N/A |
Alter rules |
N/A |
Register an instrument of transfer |
N/A |
Register an instrument of dissolution |
N/A |
Instrument of Dissolution of an Incorporated Friendly Society[-122] |
Cancel registration | N/A | Request to cancel paper form[84] | Notes[85] |
Building Societies Act 1986
I want to: | Online forms | Paper forms | Form notes | |
Notify a change of chief exec or director |
N/A |
Change registered office address | Change registered office address online form[87] | Change registered office address paper form[88] | ||
Change financial year end date | N/A | Change financial year end date[57] | ||
Change name |
N/A |
Alteration of rules |
N/A |
Alteration of Rules and/or Memorandum[92]
Applying to obtain access to the register of members |
N/A |
Applications to Obtain Access to the Register of Members of Building Societies[-142] |