Find out more about how to submit product sales data.
Your firm should send us its data using RegData (our online reporting system for collecting, validating and storing regulatory data).
You will have these PSD reports scheduled in your RegData[1] returns, based on your firm’s permissions (the report number links to the data reference guide for that item):
- PSD001[2] Mortgage
- PSD002[2] Retail Investments
- PSD003[3] Pure Protection
- PSD004[4] Home Reversion Plans
- PSD005[5] Home Purchase Plans
- PSD006[6] Short Term Loans
- PSD007[7] Mortgage Performance Data
- PSD008[8] Credit Agreement Sales
- PSD008a[9] Credit Agreement Back-book
- PSD009[10] Credit Agreement Performance
Read more about the reporting requirements in SUP16.11[-33] and the PSD FAQs[-32] pages.
Firms reporting PSD001 to PSD006 should submit their data within 20 working days of the end of each calendar quarter, and those reporting PSD007 within 30 working days from the end of each calendar half-year, eg 1 January to 30 June and 1 July to 31 December.
Submitting your data
You can report, amend or cancel your PSD transactions on RegData by:
- manually inputting data onto the screens
- uploading an XML report using the web upload function
- uploading an XML report using the system to system transfer function
Once you have completed your reporting you should find the relevant report in your schedule on RegData and update its status to ‘submitted’. The new reports will be shown within your schedule, according to your permissions.