Find out more about the reporting requirements for firms authorised to carry out regulated consumer credit activities.
Regulatory reporting for consumer credit activities is changing. Most of the existing data items will be phased out and replaced.
The information below sets out both the existing reporting requirements as well as information on the ongoing changes.
Once authorised with permission for credit-related regulated activities, we will require you to report information to us via our online data collection platform RegData. This will be either quarterly, 6-monthly or annually depending on the nature and size of your business.
We will use the information you provide to:
- support our supervisory work
- calculate the consumer credit-related portion of your annual fees (based on your consumer credit income)
The data you provide must not give a misleading impression of the firm. This means a firm must not:
- omit a material item
- include an immaterial item
- present items in a misleading way
All regulatory reporting requirements can be found in the Handbook. Additional information specifically on reporting in relation to consumer credit related activity is provided below.
In particular consumer credit firms should refer to the templates for data items relating to consumer credit activities and the related guidance notes.
Existing consumer credit reporting requirements
There are currently 7 active data items scheduled in relation to credit-related regulated activity.
Data item | Name |
CCR001 | Financial Data |
CCR002 | Volumes |
CCR003 | Lenders |
CCR004 | Debt Management Firms |
CCR005 | Client Money & Assets |
CCR006 | Debt Collection |
CCR007 | Key Data for Credit Firms with Limited Permissions |
Further data items may also be required in relation to other permissions held by a firm.
Product sales data
Product sales data (PSD) collections provide detailed information on individual credit agreements. This includes characteristics of the agreement and borrower at the start of the agreement (sales PSD), and in some cases the ongoing activity in relation to these agreements (performance PSD).
Firms with permission to enter into high-cost short-term credit or home credit loan agreements, are required to submit PSD006 (Short Term Loans) in relation to the sale of these agreements.
In April 2024 we published a policy statement which introduced new PSD requirements for firms with a permission for consumer credit lending.
From October 2025 lenders who have reported £20m or more in outstanding consumer credit balances and/or new consumer credit advances will be required to submit PSD008 (Credit Agreement Sales) and PSD009 (Credit Agreement Performance) for all of their relevant regulated credit agreements.
From April 2026 lenders who have reported £2m or more, but less than £20m, in outstanding consumer credit balances and/or new consumer credit lending will also be required to start to submit these PSD.
Firms with permission to enter into high-cost short-term credit or home credit loan agreements who have not reported £2m or more in outstanding consumer credit balances and/or new consumer credit lending will be required to continue reporting PSD006 (Short Term Loans).
These requirements apply to both limited and full permission firms.
All consumer credit related PSD collections are required to be submitted on a calendar quarterly basis.
More information on the scope and requirements for the new PSD collections are set out in Consumer Credit - Product Sales Data Reporting and in SUP 16.11 of the Handbook. Technical information on how to provide this data is available on the RegData Resources site.
Upcoming changes
The existing consumer credit regulatory returns were introduced in 2014. Firms, markets and the way we regulate have all changed significantly since then. We are in the process of replacing most of the existing data items with a new set that will:
- provide a baseline for us to monitor and assess firms’ ability to meet our threshold conditions on an ongoing basis
- identify firms who exhibit high risk characteristics
- prioritise our resources
- take quicker action against firms presenting the highest risk of harm to consumers and the market
Alongside the new PSD reporting for regulated credit agreements we are also replacing the CCR002-CCR007 data items.
The new data items will include questions about how a firm uses their permissions for credit-related regulated activity, and how this contributes to their overall business model.
A set of initial questions will be used to determine the subsequent information which needs to be provided. We call this branching logic. It will allow us to tailor the questions so that they are more relevant to a firm’s actual business model, with a level of detail that is proportionate to the risk of harm they pose.
The design and introduction of these new returns is broken down into phases considering the different credit-related regulated activities.

The consultation for the first phase CP24/19 was published on 12 September 2024. The proposed data item, CCR009: Relevant Ancillary Credit Firm, will need to be completed by any firm which holds permission for at least one of the following regulated activities:
- Credit Broking
- Debt Counselling
- Debt Adjusting
- Providing Credit Information Services
Under the current proposals the first reporting period for CCR009 will be the calendar year 2025 with the first submission due by 26 February2026.
A policy statement for CP24/19 and further consultations covering the remaining phases will be published in due course.