Find out how to apply for approval to perform a senior management function (SMF).
Anyone who performs an SMF needs to be approved by us (or the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA)) before they can start their role.
See a list of SMF roles in our Handbook[1]
Submit your application
We expect your firm to be prepared to submit a full and complete application on day 1.
Check you’re ready to submit[2]
Giving us false or misleading information may be a criminal offence.
All applications must include:
- Completed form (including the candidate declaration and a statement of responsibilities for the role).
- Any supporting documents (such as explanations for any adverse information).
You’ll need to pay a fee when you submit the application.
Steps: apply online
Application form
Complete the relevant form using our online system, Connect[3].
You’ll be shown different questions on the form depending on whether the candidate has been approved before.
An appropriate individual should complete the application on behalf of your firm and the candidate you're applying for, but the candidate should check the form before you submit.
Complete all the sections and, where possible, give detailed explanations (or consider attaching a supporting document with more information). This can help avoid delays later on.
New senior manager functions
Use Form A if you need to approve someone to take on a new SMF.
You’ll see a longer version of Form A if the candidate has:
- Not previously held a senior management or controlled function.
- Not been approved for senior management or controlled functions for 6 months or more.
- A change to their fitness and propriety since their last approval.
Form A covers sections such as:
- Candidate's details and declaration.
- Role description.
- Employment history for the last 10 years.
- Statement of responsibilities (SoR).
- Competency assessment.
- Capacity and conflicts assessment.
- Fitness and propriety questions.
- Directorships in the last 10 years.
- Regulatory references check.
- Criminal record checks.