Prepare to apply for a senior manager function

Avoid delays by preparing a full and complete application to perform a senior management function (SMF).

Is your firm solo or dual-regulated?

  • Solo-regulated firms are supervised by us.

    Read our guidance below on what to consider before you apply.

    When you have all the information you need, apply online using Connect.

  • Dual-regulated firms are supervised by us and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA).

    If you’re a dual-regulated firm, the PRA is the lead regulator for PRA-led functions. 

    Refer to the Bank of England website for information on the approval process. 

    You still need to read our guidance below and apply online via Connect.

What to consider before you apply


Select candidate


Complete your own checks


What you need to disclose


Ready to apply

Before applying, firms must:

  • Review the application form and check you have all the required information.
  • Conduct your own checks – to be confident the candidate meets the requirements of our 'fit and proper' test.
  • Check the candidate has the appropriate time to discharge their responsibilities (see our case study on capacity and stretch).
  • Be ready to fully disclose all relevant information in the application.
  • Prepare all the relevant information to submit a full and complete application.

If you aren’t sure whether something may have an impact on a candidate’s fitness and propriety, you should disclose it. 

1. Select the right candidate

Selecting the right SMF candidate, whether internal or external, is an important decision that depends on several factors.

It is important your firm selects the right candidate who:

  • Is fit and proper.
  • Meets the needs of your firm based on talent available, culture and strategic goals.

You might consider internal and external candidates.  

While an internal candidate will be familiar with your business, external recruitment can bring a wider talent pool, fresh perspectives and help your firm benchmark against the wider market.  

For some firms this may include individuals currently based overseas or working in other industry sectors.

Greater diversity and more inclusion can improve outcomes for consumers and markets by:

  • Reducing group think.
  • Supporting healthy work cultures.
  • Unlocking diverse talent.
  • Improving understanding of and provision for diverse consumer needs.

Read about the work we’re doing to drive change

Make sure your application includes evidence showing how you have reached your decision.  

Read our case study on candidates based overseas 

Using a third-party

Many firms find it helpful to use an adviser or consultant to help prepare applications, or to get ready for meetings or interviews.

As the firm applying to us, we expect to deal directly with you in correspondence and meetings, not your adviser or consultant.  

Your firm must sign the application form and be:

  • Accountable for the SMF application.  
  • Able to explain all the material in it.

12-week rule

Sudden and unexpected absences do happen.

If an SMF role becomes vacant temporarily or unexpectedly, an individual can provide cover without approval for up to 12 weeks.

They do not have to be a senior manager. For example, they might be deputy to the absent SMF holder.  

However, this is only an interim measure. Firms must complete their due diligence and apply for approval of the SMF as soon as possible to allow us (or the PRA) enough time to assess the application.

Keep your succession and cover planning up to date to make sure you can arrange cover quickly if you have an unexpected vacancy. For example, you might consider internal shadowing or training opportunities.

Find out more about our 12-week rule in our Handbook

Applications for candidates based overseas

We welcome applications from overseas candidates. 

We will assess overseas candidates in the same way as UK candidates.

We consider prior experience, including in international jurisdictions, as part of the overall assessment process. 

Our assessment of overseas applicants with relevant experience is likely to focus on other aspects of the prospective role (such as understanding of the UK financial services market and regulatory system).

Assessment times for UK and overseas candidates are similar.

If you wish to discuss a potential application for a candidate currently based overseas, or a candidate who has no prior UK financial services experience, contact us.

2. Complete checks on the candidate

You must conduct your own due diligence before submitting the application; to be confident the candidate meets our fit and proper test. This will reduce the risk of delays.  

Fit and proper test

Firms must make sure anyone who will be performing SMF roles is fit and proper to do so.  

You must do this before you submit an application and review it on a regular basis.  

The main elements to consider when assessing fitness and propriety are:

  • FIT 2.1: Honesty, integrity and reputation.
  • FIT 2.2: Competence and capability, including whether the person satisfies any relevant FCA training and competence requirements.
  • FIT 2.3: Financial soundness.

Find out more in our Handbook: Fit and Proper test for Employees and Senior Personnel (FIT)

Your firm should also consider:

  1. The nature, scale and complexity of its business.
  2. Whether the candidate has the knowledge, skills and experience to perform the specific role(s) and responsibilities, and also understands the firm and the market(s) in which it is operating.

If there are gaps, consider how the candidate can quickly build this knowledge. Make sure your application shows how these gaps will be addressed.

You should provide adequate and appropriate evidence to support your application.  

For example, we will pay particular attention to any adverse disclosures in the application form when we assess the candidate’s fitness and propriety. This includes disclosures from your own due diligence checks performed before submitting the application, such as information arising from any:

  • Credit checks.
  • Criminal records checks.
  • Regulatory references.
  • Directorship checks.

Expand the sections below for extra details on checks you may carry out to assess fitness and propriety. 

Exemptions for background checks 

If you think criminal records checks or regulatory references requirements do not apply to your candidate, explain why in your application (for instance, if the candidate has been with your firm for more than 6 years or lives in a country where it is not possible to get criminal record checks).  

Otherwise, we may have further questions which lead us to pause your application – which means a longer wait time for you. 

3. What to disclose

It’s important the firm and the candidate are both fully open and honest with us from the start. 

You must fully disclose any matters that may impact a candidate’s fitness and propriety. Therefore, you need to consider the evidence and gather supporting information showing why the candidate is fit for the role.

If in doubt, disclose all relevant information, including any misconduct.

Speak to your candidate and get as much detail as possible on:

  • Any gaps in their employment history.
  • Any disciplinary action taken against them in a previous role.
  • All directorships and partnerships (and former directorships covering the last 10 years).
  • Anything else that could impact their fitness and propriety.

In the application, you must give us enough information to support any disclosures.

Where you think something you're disclosing about the candidate shouldn't affect their fitness or propriety, explain why.

Having some misconduct or disclosures does not mean we will refuse an application. This depends on individual circumstances.

Learn more about how we assess applications 

Disclosing criminal convictions

You must declare if a candidate has a criminal record (to the extent allowed by law). This also applies to overseas candidates. 

Criminal record disclosures by country

Once you've carried out your own checks and prepared evidence, you're ready to apply for approval.