UBS Global Investment Management Ltd / UBS Private Wealth Management / UBS Wealth Management (clone)

Fraudsters are using the details of firms we authorise to try to convince people that they work for a genuine, authorised firm. Find out more about this ‘clone firm’.

This is what we call a 'clone firm'; and fraudsters usually use this tactic when contacting people out of the blue, so you should be especially wary if you have been cold called. They may use the name of the genuine firm, the 'firm reference number' (FRN) we have given the authorised firm or other details.

You can find out more about this scam tactic and how to protect yourself from clone firms.

Clone firm details

Fraudsters are using or giving out the following details as part of their tactics to scam people in the UK:

UBS Global Investment Management Ltd / UBS Private Wealth Management / UBS Wealth Management (Clone of EEA & FCA Firms)

Address: 21 Lombard Street, London, EC3V 9AH (Cloning FCA authorised firm's address)
5 Broadgate, London, EC2M 2QS (cloning FCA authorised firm’s address)​​​​
Telephone: 02031295463, 02031291403, 0203 773 1574, 02038830677
Email: [email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected]
Fax: 0871314061

Be aware that the scammers may give out other false details or mix these with some correct details of the authorised firm.

FCA & EEA Authorised firm details

This FCA Authorised Firm that fraudsters are claiming to work for has no association with the ‘clone firm’. It is authorised to offer, promote or sell services or product in the UK and its correct details are:

Firm name: UBS Asset Management (UK) LTD
Firm reference number: 119319
Address: 21 Lombard Street London, EC3V 9AH, United Kingdom
Telephone: 02079015050 and 02079015536

Firm name: UBS Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A
Firm reference number: 431754
Address: 33A avenue J. F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg, LUXEMBOURG

Firm name: UBS AG
Firm reference number: 186958
Address: 5 Broadgate, London, EC2M 2QS
Telephone: 02075678000

Report a clone firm

If you think you have been approached by an unauthorised or clone firm, or contacted about a scam, you should contact us. If you were offered, bought or sold shares, you can use our share fraud reporting form.

You can see more ways to report an unauthorised firm and find out what to do if you have been scammed.

What to do if your firm is cloned

If you think your authorised firm has been cloned or scammers are fraudulently using your name or other details, contact our Firm Helpline on 0300 500 0597.