Mutual societies: forms

Find the forms you need to apply to register as a mutual society and send us updates.

The Mutuals Society Portal is quickest and easiest way to access and send forms to us. You will need to register to use it.

You can also download paper version of our forms using the links below. They are organised by type of society. 

We accept electronic signatures on all applications – including on accounts.

Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies

These forms are for societies registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 and Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act (Northern Ireland) 1969.

We have provided guidance under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014.

I want to:

Online forms (Great Britain only)

Paper forms

Set up a new community benefit society

New community benefit society online form

New community benefit society paper form

Set up a new co-operative society

New co-operative society online form

New co-operative society paper form

Submit annual return (AR30)

Annual return (AR30) online form

Annual return (AR30) paper form

Annual return (AR30) paper form (Welsh version)

Change registered office address

Change registered office address online form

Change registered office address paper form

Record a charge

Record a charge online form

Record a charge paper form

Release or satisfaction of a charge N/A Release or satisfaction of a charge paper form

Change of name

Change of name online form

Change of name paper form

Make a complete amendment to rules

Make a complete amendment to rules online form

Make a complete amendment to rules paper form

Make a partial amendment to rules

Make a partial amendment to rules online form

Make a partial amendment to rules

Change financial year end date

Change financial year end date online form

Change financial year end date paper form

Apply for a group accounts exemption Group accounts exemption online form Group accounts exemption paper form

Transfer engagements


Transfer engagements paper form

Convert to a company


Convert to a company paper form

Ending registration (we provide an information note on ending registration of a co-operative or a community benefit society) N/A N/A

Cancel registration


Cancel registration paper form

Dissolve society


Dissolve society paper form

Submit a certificate following dissolution, liquidation or transfer of engagements

s126 certificate online form - Great Britain


s126 certificate paper form - Great Britain

s68 certificate - Northern Ireland

For sponsoring bodies: submit new model rules or amend existing ones


Submit new or amend existing model rules paper form

Credit unions 

These forms are for credit unions registered under either the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 (Credit Unions Act 1979) or The Credit Unions (Northern Ireland) Order 1985.

I want to:

Online forms (Great Britain only)

Paper forms

Submit accounts

Submit accounts online form

No paper form – submit accounts to [email protected]

Change registered office address


Change registered office address paper form

Record a charge


Record a charge paper form - Great Britain

Record a charge paper form - Northern Ireland

Release or satisfaction of a charge N/A Release or satisfaction of a charge paper form

Change of name


Change of name paper form

Make a complete amendment to rules (we provide specimen wording for common bonds and the optional object)


Make a complete amendment to rules paper form - Great Britain

Make a complete amendment to rules paper form - Northern Ireland

Make a partial amendment to rules (we provide specimen wording for common bonds and the optional object)


Make a partial amendment to rules paper form - Great Britain

Make a partial amendment to rules paper form - Northern Ireland

Transfer engagements


Transfer engagements paper form

Cancel registration for Part 4A permissions


Cancel Part 4A permissions paper form

Dissolve society


Dissolve society paper form

Submit a certificate following dissolution, liquidation or transfer of engagements

s126 certificate online form - Great Britain


s126 certificate paper form - Great Britain

s71 certificate - Northern Ireland

For sponsoring bodies: submit new model rules or amend existing ones


Submit new or amend existing model rules paper form

Change financial year end date N/A Change financial year end date paper form

Friendly Societies Act 1974

I want to: Online forms Paper forms Form number Form notes

Submitting annual returns

Working Men’s Club (AR41) online form

Working Men's Club (AR41) paper form

Working Men’s Club and supplementary return

Specially Authorised or Benevolent Society

Investment association registered as a specially-authorised society







Notes and disclosure requirements

Converting to a new co-operative society New co-operative society online form New co-operative society paper form   Guidance
Converting to a new community benefit society New community benefit society online form New community benefit society paper form   Guidance

Change registered office address

Change registered office address online form

Change registered office address paper form



Notice of appointment of trustees


Notice of Appointment of Trustees



Make a complete amendment to rules N/A Make a complete amendment to rules paper form    

Make a partial amendment to rules


Make a partial amendment to rules



Amending rules for a branch


Amendment of Rules for a branch



Registering a new branch


Registering a new Branch



Transfer engagements


Transfer of engagements paper form



Dissolving the society


Instrument of Dissolution of a society or branch registered under the Friendly Societies Act 1974



Cancel registration N/A Request to cancel paper form   Notes

Friendly Societies Act 1992

I want to: Online forms Paper forms   Form notes

Notify of a change of chief exec etc.


Notice of Change of Chief Executive/Secretary, Director and/or Committee Member



Change registered office address

Change registered office address online form

Change registered office address paper form



Change name


Change of name



Alter rules


Alteration of Rules and/or Memorandum

Alteration of Rules - Appendix 2



Register an instrument of transfer


Application to register an Instrument of Transfer



Register an instrument of dissolution


Instrument of Dissolution of an Incorporated Friendly Society



Cancel registration N/A Request to cancel paper form   Notes

Building Societies Act 1986

I want to: Online forms Paper forms   Form notes

Notify a change of chief exec or director


Notice of Change of Chief Executive and/or Director



Change registered office address Change registered office address online form Change registered office address paper form    
Change financial year end date N/A Change financial year end date    

Change name


Change of name



Alteration of rules


Alteration of Rules and/or Memorandum


Alteration of Rules - Appendix 1



Applying to obtain access to the register of members


Applications to Obtain Access to the Register of Members of Building Societies

: Link added Optional object for Credit Unions information note
: Document added Paper form AR41 added
: Information added Ending registration added to Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies actions.
: Link added Link added to right hand navigation on annual returns and accounts.