Information on enforcement cases/investigations - August 2020

Reference Case Number: FOI7420

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

Under the FOI Act I would like to know: 

• How many enforcement cases/investigations targeting individuals were opened by the FCA over the last two years? I would like this information broken down by type and by month, with the year-end June 23rd 2020. 
• How many enforcement cases/investigations targeting firms have been opened by the FCA over the last two years? I would like this information broken down by type and by month, with the year-end June 23rd 2020.
• How many section 178 change of control notices has the FCA received over the last two years? I would also like this information broken down by month, with the year-end June 23rd 2020. 
• How many section 178 change of control notices has the FCA approved over the last two years? I would also like this information broken down by month, with the year-end June 23rd 2020.
• How many section 178 change of control notices have been withdrawn by the firm after submission to the FCA but before any determination was made over the last two years? I would also like this information broken down by month, with the year-end June 23rd 2020.

FCA response:

Refer to supporting documents below

Supporting document

FOI7420 response