Information on the number of businesses with cancelled permissions - August 2021

Reference Case Number: FOI8514

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

In reference to a previous FOI response with the reference number FOI7829, I would like to know the following:

1.    The number of businesses that have had their permission cancelled by the FCA

I would like the data broken down for each of the last five years with a year-end date of 30 June or whichever year-end is most convenient. If you cannot provide data for each of the last five years, then please provide data for each of the last three years. If that is not possible, then please provide data for each of the most recent two years. 

FCA response:

We have processed your email in line with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). The below table sets out the number of businesses that had their permission cancelled by the FCA as at 31 December for each calendar year.

Year No.
2017 240
2018 220
2019 177
2020 133
2021 (as at 30th June) 35