Information on the number of firms that have been responsible for sending notifications from firms regarding EMIR Art 9 - August 2020

Reference Case Number: FOI7472

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

Thank you for your response to our freedom of information request dated 11 June 202.  Unfortunately it did not quite give us the information we required and I would like to add some clarification to help return the data I require. I have added the clarification to our original mail and I would be grateful if you could respond accordingly 

  1. Please can I ask for the number of firms that have been responsible for sending  the 400 notifications from firms regarding EMIR Art 9 reporting errors and omissions,  from 3 January 2018 to 29 May 2020. 
  2.  MiFIR Transaction Reporting 'Error and Omission form  - Please can you tell us how many error and omission forms have been received  from 3 January 2018 to 29 May 2020. 
  3. Please can you tell me how many MiFIR transaction reports received by the FCA have been corrections of previously submitted reports

The field 1 'Status' in conjunction with fields 2 'Transaction Reference Number' and 4 'Executing Entity ID code' the can be used to determine whether the report is a correction. We appreciate that the methodology is convoluted, so we would be grateful if you can simply tell us how many reports were re-conceived in this period where the field 3 'Status' has been populated with a value of 'CANC'

Refer to supporting documents below

Supporting document

FOI7472 response