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Showing 11 to 20 of 512 search results for enforcement action.

  1. FCA decides on £5.95m fine and industry ban for Nailesh Teraiya in latest cum-ex case

    Press Releases Published: 18/03/2024 Last modified: 18/03/2024
    Mr Teraiya has referred his Decision Notice to the Upper Tribunal. Any findings in the Decision Notice are therefore provisional and reflect the FCA’s belief as to what occurred and how it considers his behaviour should be characterised.
  2. Investing in outcomes: a regulatory approach to deliver for consumers, markets and competitiveness

    Speeches Published: 14/03/2024 Last modified: 14/03/2024
    Speech by Nikhil Rathi, FCA Chief Executive delivered at the Morgan Stanley European Financials Conference.
  3. FCA warns firms over anti-money laundering failings

    News stories Published: 05/03/2024 Last modified: 05/03/2024
    We have warned firms about common failings we have found in financial crime controls.
  4. FCA to improve pace and transparency around enforcement cases

    Press Releases Published: 27/02/2024 Last modified: 27/02/2024
    The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has today committed to carrying out enforcement cases more quickly as the organisation seeks to increase the deterrent impact of its enforcement actions.
  5. Evolving our enforcement approach to protect and grow our markets

    Speeches Published: 27/02/2024 Last modified: 27/02/2024
    Speech by Therese Chambers, FCA joint executive director of enforcement and market oversight, delivered at The Market Abuse and Market Manipulation Summit.
  6. Mohammed Zina found guilty of insider dealing and fraud

    Press Releases Published: 15/02/2024 Last modified: 15/02/2024
    Mohammed Zina was found guilty of six offences of insider dealing and three offences of fraud following a 12-week trial at Southwark Crown Court brought by the FCA.
  7. Shifting the dial on financial crime requires a collective push

    Blogs Published: 09/02/2024 Last modified: 09/02/2024
    Collaborative action across four areas of focus can help shift the dial in our efforts to fight financial crime.
  8. Duty calls: Future-proofing finance for everyone

    Press Releases Published: 28/12/2023 Last modified: 03/01/2024
    Now into the second year of its 3-year strategy, FCA outlines some key achievements and milestones from the last 12 months.
  9. FCA writes to the Treasury Committee on Blackmore Bonds

    Statements Published: 06/12/2023 Last modified: 06/12/2023
    The FCA has written to the Treasury Committee about its decision not to take enforcement action following investigations into NCM Fund Services Ltd and Northern Provident Investments Ltd.
  10. Statement on communications in relation to PRIIPs and UCITS

    Statements Published: 30/11/2023 Last modified: 30/11/2023
    Issuing limited forbearance to allow firms to provide additional disaggregated disclosure on costs and charges to support the aggregated figure. This is the result of engagement with the investment trust industry.