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Showing 14 to 23 of 17205 search results.

  1. Cornish PPI Refund /

    Warnings Published: 28/08/2024 Last modified: 28/08/2024
    Cornish PPI Refund / is not authorised or registered by the FCA. Find out more about unauthorised firms and individuals.
  2. Bitmax Forex Trading (

    Warnings Published: 28/08/2024 Last modified: 28/08/2024
    Bitmax Forex Trading ( is not authorised or registered by the FCA. Find out more about unauthorised firms and individuals.
  3. FCA announces work into pure protection market

    Press Releases Published: 28/08/2024 Last modified: 28/08/2024
    The FCA will launch a market study into how pure protection insurance products are sold following concerns that competition is not working well in the market.
  4. (Clone of FCA Authorised Firm)

    Warnings Published: 28/08/2024 Last modified: 28/08/2024 (Clone of FCA Authorised Firm) is not authorised or registered by the FCA but has been targeting people in the UK, claiming to be an authorised firm. Find out why you should be wary of dealing with this unauthorised firm and how
  5. (clone of FCA Authorised Firm)

    Warnings Published: 28/08/2024 Last modified: 28/08/2024 (clone of FCA Authorised Firm) is not authorised or registered by the FCA but has been targeting people in the UK, claiming to be an authorised firm. Find out why you should be wary of dealing with this unauthorised firm and how
  6. Upper Tribunal ruling on Thomas Llewellyn Kalaris

    Statements Published: 27/08/2024 Last modified: 27/08/2024
    The Upper Tribunal ruled in the FCA’s favour on the refusal to allow Mr Kalaris to perform senior manager functions.
  7. The Hinton Group /

    Warnings Published: 27/08/2024 Last modified: 27/08/2024
    The Hinton Group / is not authorised or registered by the FCA. Find out more about unauthorised firms and individuals.
  8. Bamboo Loan Finance (Clone of FCA Authorised Firm)

    Warnings Published: 27/08/2024 Last modified: 27/08/2024
    Bamboo Loan Finance (Clone of FCA Authorised Firm) is not authorised or registered by the FCA but has been targeting people in the UK, claiming to be an authorised firm. Find out why you should be wary of dealing with this unauthorised firm and how

    Warnings Published: 22/08/2024 Last modified: 22/08/2024
    BAGUETTEMAX is not authorised or registered by the FCA. Find out more about unauthorised firms and individuals.

    Warnings Published: 22/08/2024 Last modified: 22/08/2024
    FXPT LIVE is not authorised or registered by the FCA. Find out more about unauthorised firms and individuals.