We're seeking stakeholders’ views about current and future uses of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in UK financial services, as well as the financial services regulatory framework.
The AI Input Zone is one component of our AI Lab, helping us to support safe and responsible innovation, promote growth and competitiveness of the sector, and gain a practical understanding of AI usage in financial services.
We're keen to gather a wide range of views from different market participants to understand what transformative use cases may develop, and what we can do to support opportunities for beneficial innovation.
This component of the AI Lab is part of wider evidence gathering that will help shape our future regulatory approach. Stakeholders can apply to participate in other elements of the AI Lab that may be of interest, such as the AI Sprint.
Response details
We're asking for responses to the questions below by 31 January 2025.
We encourage stakeholders to use this online form for responses. If you're unable to, you can alternatively email us or write to: AI Policy, Financial Conduct Authority, 12 Endeavour Square, London E20 1JN.
We may decide to publish information about the responses we receive. Let us know if you don't want your participation and/or response to be made public by selecting the appropriate option in the form below, or by making this clear in your email or written communication.
Please note, we will not regard a standard confidentiality statement in an email message as a request for non-disclosure. We may not be able to maintain confidentiality where we are subject to a legal duty to publish or disclose the information in question (eg if required to do so under the Freedom of Information Act 2000).