Regulated firms and Insolvency Practitioners can complete this form to notify the FCA of an event that has occurred or will occur in the foreseeable future.
Please provide as detailed a notification as possible to ensure that the correct team is handling your case.
Before making your notification
1. Please note you should not include any inside information in this form or any attachments. If your notification relates to inside information, please notify the FCA by completing the market observation form via our Connect system.
More information can be found on our How to report suspected market abuse as a firm or trading venue and Best practice note - Identifying, controlling and disclosing inside information pages.
If you have any additional reporting queries, please email: [email protected]
2. Check if the firm or individual has ever been authorised, registered or approved by us. You can find this information on our Financial Services Register.
If a firm or individual is not authorised, registered or approved by us, please do not use this form but instead email [email protected] or call us on 0300 500 0597.