Find out what you need to do once your firm is authorised, from reporting to rules and fees.
Authorisation marks the beginning of your firm’s relationship with the FCA.
Once authorised, your firm must:
- Continue to meet the very high standards it has met at authorisation.
- Put customers at the heart of everything it does.
- Act in a way that leads to markets operating with integrity and effective competition.
As a fully authorised firm, you have regulatory obligations to:
- Report to us regularly (via RegData).
- Tell us about any changes in your details or your control (via Connect).
- Pay us the correct fees.
- Keep up to date with rules and regulations (via the FCA Handbook).
- Tell us about potential problems.
Checklist for consumer credit firms
Now you are FCA authorised, register on:
- RegData[1], our online reporting system
- Connect[2]
- our Online Invoicing portal[3]
Sign up to our newsletter for firms, Regulatory Round Up[4].