Cyber attacks and data breaches reported to the FCA - February 2022

Reference Case Number: FOI8954

Freedom of Information: Right to know request:

  1. Please can you provide information on the total number of material cyber incidents reported to the FCA between the period 1st January 2021 and 31st December? Please provide this data broken down by month. The FCA previously defined a material cyber incident here.
  2. Of the total number of material cyber incidents reported (answer to question A), how many of these were cyber-attacks? Please provide this data broken down by month.
  3. Of the total number of material cyber incidents reported (answer to question A), how many contained notifications where the confidentiality of company or personal data may have been compromised or breached? Please provide this data broken down by month.
  4. Of the total number of material cyber incidents reported (answer to question A), how many involved ransomware? Please provide this data broken down by month.
  5. Of the total number of material cyber incidents reported in 2020, how many involved ransomware? Please provide this data broken down by month.


FCA response: