Prospectus Regulation Rules Cross Reference lists

The cross reference lists are for issuers to show us how they have complied with the disclosure requirements when submitting documents for FCA approval. 

If you need help see our instructions.

The PRR cross reference lists have been updated to reflect the end of the transition period for the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.


For issuers preparing a prospectus under the Prospectus Regulation for approval by the FCA.

Prospectus Rules Annex

Prospectus cross-reference list description

Version date

Annex 1 Registration document for equity securities Jan 2021

Annex 2

Universal registration document

May 2019

Annex 3

Registration document for secondary issuances of equity securities

Jan 2021

Annex 4

Registration document for units of closed-end collective investment undertakings

Sep 2020

Annex 5

Registration document for depository receipts issued over shares

May 2019

Annex 6

Registration document for retail non-equity securities

Jan 2021

Annex 7

Registration document for wholesale non-equity securities

Jan 2021

Annex 8

Registration document for secondary issuances of non-equity securities

Jan 2021

Annex 9

Registration document for asset-backed securities

Jan 2021

Annex 10 No longer applicable after 1 January 2021  

Annex 11

Securities note for equity securities or units issued by collective investment undertakings of the closed-end type

Jan 2021

Annex 12

Securities note for secondary issuances of equity securities or of units issued by collective investment undertakings of the closed-end type

Jan 2021

Annex 13

Securities note for depository receipts issued over shares

Jan 2021

Annex 14

Securities note for retail non-equity securities

Jan 2021

Annex 15

Securities note for wholesale non-equity securities

Jan 2021

Annex 16

Securities note for secondary issuances of non-equity securities

Jan 2021

Annex 17

Securities giving rise to payment or delivery obligations linked to an underlying asset

Jan 2021

Annex 18

Underlying share

Jan 2021

Annex 19

Asset-backed securities

Jan 2021

Annex 20

Pro forma information

May 2019

Annex 21


May 2019

Annex 22


Jan 2021

Annex 23

Specific summary for the UK growth prospectus

Jan 2021

Annex 24

UK Growth registration document for equity securities

Jan 2021

Annex 25

UK Growth registration document for non-equity securities

Jan 2021

Annex 26

UK Growth securities note for equity securities

Jan 2021

Annex 27

UK Growth securities note for non-equity securities

Jan 2021

Annex 28

List of Additional Information in Final Terms

Jan 2021

PR Art 7


Jan 2021


: Editorial amendment Page layout updated.
: Editorial amendment Link text updated
: Information changed Update to Annex 28.
: Information changed Prospectus versions updated