PS24/5: FCA regulated fees and levies 2024/25

Consultation opens
Consultation closed
Policy Statement

We are publishing our final regulatory fee and levy rates for 2024/25, including feedback on CP24/6.

Read PS24/5 (PDF)

We are publishing the 2024/25 regulatory fee and levy rates for the:

  • Financial Conduct Authority
  • Financial Ombudsman Service (the Financial Ombudsman)
  • levies collected on behalf of government departments

We are also publishing our feedback on the responses to the consultation on the draft fee and levy rates in CP24/6: FCA regulated fees and levies: rates proposals for 2024/25 (PDF).

Who this applies to

This document applies to:

  • all FCA fee-payers
  • any businesses considering applying for FCA authorisation or registration  

This Policy Statement (PS) is not directly relevant to retail financial services consumers or consumer groups.

Next steps

Firms can use our online fees calculator to calculate their individual fees based on the final rates in this PS. This includes FCA periodic fees and the Financial Ombudsman, Money and Pensions Advice Service, Devolved Authorities and illegal money lending levy final rates. The fees calculator will also cover Prudential Regulatory Authority fees and the Financial Services Compensation Scheme levy.

We will invoice fee-payers from July 2024 onwards for their 2024/25 periodic fees and levies.