Our colleagues can share their diversity data, to help us better understand the demographic make-up of our workforce and build a culture that supports everyone.
Our approach to diversity data
It's important for our colleagues to have the opportunity to share their own diversity data. This allows us to improve our monitoring and reporting on demographic data across the employee lifecycle.
In 2021, we made significant changes to our data collection, including:
- additional questions on disability, physical and mental health, and their impact on our people
- inclusion of a wider range of questions on socio-economic background
- wider data collection on those with parenting and caring responsibilities
We’ve also made changes to the way we collect data on sex and gender, to capture data based on legal sex, trans status and gender identity.
Read more on how we collect diversity data in our 2021/22 Annual Diversity Report (PDF).
Our workforce representation 2023/24
We report against each of the 9 protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010. But we've also included additional demographic data and metrics we think are important to monitor and report on.
These figures are taken from colleagues at the FCA and the Payment Systems Regulator (PSR).
References to 'SLT' refer to our senior leadership team, which includes heads of department, directors, executive directors, the chief executive and the chair.
Some figures add up to more or less than 100% due to rounding. Any data used is for the year ending 31 March 2024, unless otherwise stated.
As with our reporting on our progress against targets, we report using headcount.
We collect data on our colleagues’ ages, and we have a 100% declaration for this category.
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We ask colleagues whether they have a disability, and we have a 75% declaration for this category.
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Race and ethnicity
We ask colleagues about their ethnicity, and we have a 95% declaration for this category.
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The chart below shows the ethnicity breakdown by contractual grade.
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Religion or belief
We ask colleagues about their religion or belief, and we have a 91% declaration for this category.
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We follow current Office for National Statistics (ONS) and Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) guidance, which is to ask a question on legal sex with an additional voluntary question on gender identity.
The question on sex is a mandatory binary response field, as required for HM Revenue and Customs' purposes and for calculating our statutory pay gap reporting. The question on gender identity includes a wider range of response options for colleagues who wish to self-identify.
We're careful to make sure that no reporting results in colleagues being singled out based on their legal sex or gender identity, and we take steps to prevent identification of any individuals based on their disclosure.
We use both gender identity data and sex data to report on colleague demographic data.
We have a 100% declaration for legal sex and a 74% declaration for gender identity. We have some colleagues who identify as non-binary, or who use another term. However, as these numbers are less than 1%, they are shown as 0% in our chart.
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Gender reassignment
In addition to the question on gender identity, we also ask a question on trans status. This is based on guidance and recommendations from the ONS and government and allows us to capture information on people who identify as trans. We have a 60% declaration for this category.
We have some colleagues who identify as trans, however as these numbers are less than 1%, they are shown as 0% in our chart.
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Sexual orientation
We ask colleagues about their sexual orientation, and we have a 91% declaration for this category.
We have some colleagues who identify as ace/asexual and who prefer to use another term, however as these numbers are less than 1%, they are shown as 0% in our chart.
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Marriage and civil partnership
We ask colleagues about their marital status, and we have a 67% declaration for this category.
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Pregnancy and maternity
We collect data about our colleagues who take maternity and parental leave.
- 102 women took maternity leave
- 21 colleagues took shared parental leave
- 62 men took paternity leave
Where a data group contains less than 6 people, the information has not been disclosed to protect individual colleagues from being identified.
Caring responsibilities
We ask colleagues whether they have caring responsibilities, and we have a 74% declaration for this category.
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Parental responsibilities
We ask colleagues whether they have parental responsibilities, and we have a 75% declaration for this category.
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Declaration rates
Declaration rates vary across diversity characteristics. We have made some strong progress on rates but continue to engage with colleagues to build trust, knowledge and understanding of the importance of diversity data.
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