Find out how to become one of our suppliers, including our policies and procedures for buying goods and services.
We're committed to building strong, innovative relationships with our suppliers, ensuring that we generate value for money from our partnerships and minimise risk within the supply chain.
We’re dedicated to making sure that all of our contracts are carried out in full compliance with all procurement regulations. In doing so, we endorse the implementation and promotion of ethical business practices.
We also recognise how important it is that our suppliers understand and align with the behaviours and standards we expect.
In December 2022, we updated our Supplier Code of Conduct to clarify our expectations, including those on:
- climate change and the environment
- operational resilience
- diversity, equity and inclusion
- records management and data protection
Procurement regulations
As a contracting authority under the Public Contract Regulations 2015, since 1 January 2024, all contracts for relevant services in excess of £214,904 (including VAT) for supplies and services and £5,372,609 (including VAT) for works, are subject to these regulations.
Read our summary of supplier contracts with a value above £30,000.00 (Incl. VAT) that we awarded during the last 12 months.
Advertising for tenders
Where required by the above directives, we advertise our upcoming opportunities on the Government’s Find a Tender Service (FTS) as well as on Contracts Finder.
In some cases, we also issue Prior Information Notices (PINs), which describe contracts that will be formally advertised in the near future.
We may also use alternative routes to market, including Framework Agreements (both pan-government and FCA-tendered agreements).
Suppliers: How to tender
All tendering is carried out via our eTendering portal Atamis. You must use the portal to take part in the tendering process.
Buying goods responsibly
It's important that our suppliers understand and align with the behaviours and standards expected from anyone working in, or with the FCA, as set out in our Supplier Code of Conduct.
We also have a commitment to Ethical Procurement.
Our standard terms and conditions will be used wherever possible.
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
- recognise our responsibility to ensure that our suppliers have fair and ethical labour practices
- make it clear that we expect all of our suppliers to comply with the Statement and to ensure that working conditions in their operations meet (or exceed) international labour standards
- will continue to review the steps we are taking to combat modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains
Read our full Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement.
Contact us
If you have any questions, please email [email protected].
14/05/2020: Information added Covid-19 Supplier Update