Supervisory correspondence

Find out how we communicate with the firms we supervise.

Why we communicate with firms we supervise

We regularly communicate with the firms we supervise to set out our view of how firms and markets are performing. Our communications set out our approach and priorities and make clear our expectations of firms.

We issued some of the letters on this page before the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, so our approach may change accordingly.

How we communicate

We use a range of different channels to communicate with firms. These include:

  • sending letters to senior individuals in firms
  • using social media platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn
  • publishing our monthly 'Regulation Round-up' email or 'Market Watch' newsletter
  • proactively calling from our Contact Centre and supervisory teams
  • hosting industry roundtable events
  • senior FCA staff making speeches and
  • engaging with firms at public events such as our 'Live and Local' programme

Portfolio letters

We supervise all firms as members of a portfolio of firms that share a common business model. For portfolio communications, we will set out our view of the main risks of harm in a portfolio, the action we expect firms to take, and what we will be doing to reduce the level of harm in that sector. 

Where firms’ activities span multiple regulated sectors, they will receive a letter for the main portfolio they operate in. But firms should also review letters for other portfolios that may be relevant to their business and act on the expectations we set out.

To help them do this, here are the letters we have published so far by sector. We have not yet written to all portfolios.

We regularly review our portfolios and will make changes to our approach where appropriate.

Portfolio letters published by sector


SectorPortfolioPortfolio letter
Wholesale Buy-Side

Asset Management










Custody and fund services

Our Asset Management & Alternatives Supervisory Strategy – interim update (2024)

Asset management (2023)

Asset management, custody & fund services and alternatives (Consumer Duty letter, 2023)

Asset management (2020)

Alternatives, 2022

Alternatives, 2020


Custody and fund services supervision strategy (2024)

Custody and fund services supervision strategy

Wholesale Sell-Side

Contracts for Difference (CFD) providers



Wholesale Brokers




Principal Trading Firms

Wholesale banks

CFD providers (2024)

CFD providers (Consumer Duty letter, 2023)

CFD providers

Wholesale brokers 2025

Wholesale brokers 2023

Wholesale brokers

Principal Trading Firms

Wholesale banks

Infrastructure & Exchanges






Credit Rating Agencies



Corporate Finance Firms



Multilateral Trading Facilities and Organised Trading Facilities

Benchmarks, 2024

Benchmarks, 2022

Benchmarks, 2020


Credit Rating Agencies, 2024

Credit Rating Agencies, 2022



Corporate Finance Firms, 2023


Trading venues, 2024


Enforcement and Market OversightData Reporting Service Providers

Data Reporting Services Providers (2024)

Data Reporting Services Providers

Consumer finance

Consumer lending

  • Credit unions
  • High cost lenders
  • Mainstream consumer credit lenders








Credit brokers
High cost lenders

Motor finance providers

Retail finance providers

Peer-to-peer lending platforms

Credit unions

Mortgage intermediaries

Credit reference agencies, and providers of credit information services

Debt purchasers, debt collectors, and debt administrators

Debt advice firms

Mainstream consumer credit lenders

Claims Management Companies


Credit unions, high cost lenders and mainstream consumer credit lenders (2024)

Historic letters:


General insurance and protection

Personal and commercial lines insurance

  • Personal and commercial lines insurers (incl. EEA insurers)
  • Personal and commercial lines insurance intermediaries
  • Price comparison websites

Wholesale insurance

  • Lloyd’s managing agents & London market (re)insurers (incl. P&I Clubs)
  • Lloyd’s & London market intermediaries (including managing general agents)

Life insurance

Funeral plans

Personal and commercial lines insurance (2023)

Wholesale Insurance (2023)

Life insurance (2023)

Funeral plans (2023)

Historic letters:

Pensions and retail investments

Advisers and intermediaries


Wealth management
SIPP operators

Crowdfunders (investment)

Investment-based crowdfunding

Platforms, 2023

Platforms update, 2021

Advisers and intermediaries (2024)

Advisers and intermediaries

Financial advisers and intermediaries

Platforms, 2020

Wealth management

SIPP operators (2024)

SIPP operators (2023)

SIPP operators

Consumer investments (Consumer Duty letter, 2023)

Retail banking and mortgage lending

Retail banks

Building societies

Lifetime mortgage providers

Non-bank lenders

Retail mortgage lenders

Mortgage third party administrators

Retail banking (2024)

Building societies (2024)

Lifetime mortgages (2024)

Non-bank mortgage lenders and mortgage-third-party administrators (2024)

Historic letters:

Payments and digital assets

Payment services firms

E-Money issuers

Payment services firms and e-money issuers

Payment services firms and e-money issuers (Consumer Duty portfolio letter, 2023)

Payments portfolio firms (2025)

Other correspondence

We also write to the chief executives of firms when we need to address senior people in regulated firms about very significant issues that require quick action from the firms. 

Search our Dear CEO letters.

: Document added Payments portfolio letter
: Document added FCA strategy for Credit Reference Agencies and Credit Information
Service Providers 2025
: Document added Trading venues (2024), Benchmarks (2024), CfD providers (2024), Custody and funds supervision strategy (2024), Data Reporting Services Providers (2024)
: Document added SIPP operators (2024)
: Editorial amendment Reordered some portfolios to 'retail banking' section and new section 'payment and digital assets'
: Document added Portfolio letters for retail banking, building societies, lifetime mortgages, and non-bank mortgage lenders and third-party administrators
: Document added Advisers and intermediaries letter (2024)
: Document added Credit unions, high cost lenders and mainstream consumer credit lenders portfolio letter
: Information added Our Asset Management & Alternatives Supervisory Strategy – interim update
: Editorial amendment Link to letter updated