Financial services contracts regime

The financial services contracts regime (FSCR) enables EEA firms that previously passported into the UK and that did not enter the temporary permissions regime (TPR), or that leave the TPR without being authorised or registered in the UK, to wind down their UK business in an orderly fashion.

For a limited period of time, the FSCR allows these EEA firms to service UK contracts entered into before the end of the transition period (11pm 31 December 2020) or before they left the TPR and entered the FSCR in order to conduct an orderly exit from the UK market.

The FSCR is relevant to EEA firms that previously passported into the UK or that were in the TPR if they:

  • need to carry out regulated activities under FSMA (or provide services that would otherwise require authorisation or registration under the Payment Services Regulations 2017 (PSRs) or the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 (EMRs)) in order to continue to perform their existing contracts, and did not notify us that they wished to enter the TPR, or
  • left the TPR without being authorised or registered in the UK and still needed to carry out regulated activities (or provide services that would otherwise require authorisation or registration under the PSRs or the EMRs) in order to continue to perform their existing contracts. 

If your firm is in the FSCR

If your firm is in the FSCR, it is not able to write new UK business and is limited to the regulated activities (or providing the services) which are necessary for the performance of pre-existing contracts only, plus certain limited specified activities.

The FSCR provides 2 discrete mechanisms: 

  • supervised run-off (SRO) 
  • contractual run-off (CRO) 

and is time-limited depending on the type of regulated activity being performed (or the services being provided) and applies for: 

  • a maximum of 15 years for insurance contracts, or 
  • a maximum of 5 years for all other contracts 

These are maximum periods and we expect firms in the FSCR to run down their UK business promptly.

For EEA authorised payment institutions, EEA registered account information service providers and EEA authorised electronic money institutions that previously passported into the UK without a UK branch or UK-based agent, CRO will end 31 December 2025 regardless of when the firm entered the regime.

In our Consultation Paper CP19/2 and Policy Statement PS19/5 we set out how we would implement the FSCR.

Supervised run-off

Contractual run-off

SRO status disclosure requirements (applies to some firms in SRO)

CRO status disclosure requirements (applies to some firms in CRO)

Other notification requirements

Leaving SRO or CRO

If your firm is in SRO or CRO and has closed its UK business, see our information about leaving these regimes.

Page updates

: Information added CRO firms and Open Banking
: Link changed Removed expired link on notifying us of entry into contractual run-off.
: Information changed Page information and form updated
: Information added Updated links on notification directions and Notifying of CRO and SRO section updated
: Link added Rephrased the last sentence, using the same link as was already published
: Information added Leaving SRO or CRO added
: Link changed Link to page no longer in use removed
: Editorial amendment Added anchor link to SRO