We set out the outcomes and metrics we want to achieve for consumers, markets and the wider economy in line with our strategy’s 4 themes for the next 5 years.

Our outcomes and metrics
These outcomes are our aspirations over 5 years. Progress will not be immediate and they are not all entirely in our control to achieve. Many require us to work in partnership to maximise our impact. And other factors will influence how our outcome metrics change, particularly wider economic conditions.
We set out 2 to 4 outcomes for each of our strategic themes and the key metrics we will use to track them. For each metric we include the data source, baseline value and recent trends.
These are not the only metrics we will monitor, but they are the ones that we will focus on. We will also continue to track and report on metrics that relate to specific activities we are undertaking.
We will update these pages annually with the latest data to show progress.
We recognise the metrics we have chosen have limitations. We have indicated where we are looking to improve metrics. We will also consider them with the Government’s industrial strategy, financial and professional services strategy and any future economic crime plan.
We welcome your views on the metrics at [email protected].

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