Whistleblowing quarterly data 2024 Q2

Our data shows the number of new whistleblowing reports we received between April and June 2024, and existing reports closed during this time period.

The data shows: 

  • how we received the report
  • what the report was about
  • what level of action we have taken

We assess every whistleblowing report we receive that falls within our remit, to inform our work and help us identify actual or potential harm. This could be harm to consumers, to markets, to the UK economy or to wider society.

What we can share

We know that greater transparency about the whistleblowing reports we receive is important and we are constantly trying to improve the information we make public.

However, our reviews will usually involve confidential information restricted by the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA), including that relating to our supervision and enforcement work. This restriction may limit the information we can share with whistleblowers.

Find out what we can share

Whistleblowing reports

Our whistleblowing team receives reports by telephone, email, our online reporting form and post. 

In this quarter (Q2 2024, April to June), we received 253 new whistleblowing reports.

For the same period in 2023 the team received 300 reports. 

In 2024 Q1 (January to March), we received 298 reports.

Chart tips: hover over the data series to view the data values and filter the data categories by clicking on the legend


Data table


Figure 1 shows that we received the biggest proportion of our new reports in 2024 Q2 via our online reporting form.

Contact details for whistleblowers

Protecting the identities of the whistleblowers who contact us is vital. We understand individuals may be hesitant to share their personal information with us when making a disclosure.

It is helpful when whistleblowers provide us with an ongoing contact option such as a phone number and/or email address. This allows us to:

  • re-engage and develop on disclosures 
  • ask further questions
  • keep individuals informed on how we can protect their identity whilst we carry out our work

Our whistleblowing team reviews all reports to make sure we manage information from whistleblowers appropriately. We will redirect any information we get from consumers or firms to other relevant teams to consider, such as our Supervision Hub.


Data table


Figure 2 shows that in most of the reports we received in 2024 Q2, whistleblowers provided us with their contact details. 

Whistleblowing allegations

Every report we receive will contain one or more allegations of wrongdoing. We received 253 reports in this quarter, containing 641 allegations in total.


Data table


In Figure 3 we list the top 10 allegations made in whistleblowing reports between April and June 2024.

Closed whistleblowing reports

We closed 382 whistleblowing reports between April and June 2024:

  • significant action to manage harm in 25 reports (7%) – this may include enforcement action, a section 166 skilled person report, or restricting a firm’s permissions or an individual’s approval
  • action to reduce harm in 200 reports (52%) – this may include writing to or visiting a firm, asking a firm for information, or asking a firm to attest to complying with our rules
  • 133 reports (35%) informing our work, including harm prevention, but no direct action
  • 13 reports (3%) not considered indicative of harm, but the information was recorded and will be available for future reference
  • 11 reports classified as other (3%)