Discussion Paper opens
Discussion Paper closed
We want your feedback on whether and what further changes might be needed to certain aspects of our pensions regulatory framework.
The pensions market is changing, which raises important questions about how the pension system can best support consumers. A programme of policy change across Government and regulators is underway.
In this context, we want to stimulate a discussion on other areas of our regulatory framework that might need to evolve, to better support consumers. These areas are:
The deadline for responses to this discussion paper has passed. We are considering feedback from stakeholders and will determine next steps in due course.
There has been a shift from defined benefit (DB) pensions to defined contribution pensions (DC), placing greater responsibility on consumers to save enough for their retirement.
The introduction of pension freedoms has increased the volume and complexity of choices for consumers about how to use their DC pension savings through retirement.
In response to these market changes, a programme of policy change is currently under way. This includes:
This discussion paper complements this programme of change by stimulating a discussion on other areas of our framework where further changes might be needed to better support consumers in this changing market.
We are publishing our discussion paper at the same time as our consultation on targeted support in pensions, as part of the wider AGBR, given these two pieces are interlinked and complementary.