This virtual session is part of Data Week, an annual event held within our organisation to build the data capabilities of our people as we become a data-led regulator. Whilst most of the sessions are aimed at our FCA colleagues, we are inviting those outside of the organisation to join us virtually at this session.
Across financial services and financial regulation, organisations are seeking to exploit data to be more efficient and effective. This leads to opportunities and risks for firms, regulators and customers of financial services in a fast-moving and ever-evolving environment.
We invite you to this virtual session to hear our panel of industry experts share their views on topics including:
- what regulatory opportunities will be enabled by data in the next few years
- how their organisations avoid negative outcomes from bias in their data work
- what data changes they would like to see from the FCA
Joining Jessica Rusu, our Chief Data, Information and Intelligence Officer, are:
Lee Fulmer, Chief Data Officer, UBS Investment Bank
Gareth Ramsay, Chief Data Officer, The Bank of England
Simone Steel, Chief Data Officer, Nationwide
Andrew Turvey, Director of Prudential Risk, Belmont Green
Who should attend?
Those interested in the use of data in financial services and financial services regulation.
How to join
Once you have registered, you will receive the joining link one day prior to the event.